
How can I get duplicate registration certificate from Makaut?

How can I get duplicate registration certificate from Makaut?

Inform Your college about this immediately and visit wbut office if possible. they will provide a duplicate certificate….The steps :

  1. File a GD.
  2. Go to website makautwb{dot}in.
  3. Apply for duplicates.
  4. Fill the form.
  5. This is the most important step: Upload the scan copy of docs (grade cards) size up to 50k is max I guess.

How do I download a Wbut certificate? click on this link and download it. click on this link and download it. Collect the Challan from Campus and Fill it and Submit all Photocopies of your certificates with it. Transfer the money through Debit/Credit Card.

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Is Makaut exam Cancelled?

News: The semester exam for MAKAUT, WBSU and other state universities except last semester have been cancelled. For all other semesters, the joint exams would be conducted in December 2020-January 2021. …

Can Makaut take online exam?

MAKAUT Odd Semester Exam Schedule 2021-22 So, the Odd semester Theory Examination of MAKAUT University will conduct again in Online Mode. That means, CBT MCQ (Computer Based online Test)Test in exam portal and the Practical exam and Project/Tutorial Submission will done in On Campus Offline mode.

How can I contact Makaut?

Communication Directory of MAKAUT,WB

PBX: 2321-1327 / 0731, 2334-1014 / 1021 / 1031 || ISD Code of MAKAUT,WB: +91 || STD Code of MAKAUT,WB: 033
Name/Department Room No. Email
Pro-Vice Chancellor 102
Registrar 105B [email protected]
Dr. Atri Bhowmik (Finance Officer) 108 [email protected]

What is transcript certificate in Makaut?

Transcripts: Transcripts from WBUT consists of 1 page containing the marks of each subject from first to last semester. Each set of transcripts/attested mark-sheets from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology(WBUT) is issued in a separate sealed and stamped/signed envelope.

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Do we need migration certificate after 12?

Answer: A migration certificate is necessary when school students have passed their class 12th exam successfully and he/she needs to get admission to college or university to seek graduation courses.

Is MAKAUT exam Cancelled?

Is MAKAUT under UGC?

The university is recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC). It has been awarded B++ with a CGPA of 2.87 by the NAAC.

Who is the chancellor of Makaut?

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology

Motto In Pursuit of Knowledge and Excellence
Academic affiliations AICTE AIU UGC
Budget ₹495 crore (US$66 million) (2020 – 2021)
Chancellor Governor of West Bengal
Vice-Chancellor Saikat Maitra

How do you get to Makaut?

Either go by train from Sealdah to Kanchrapara, or go by Car or Bus through Kalyani express way then take an auto from to Jaguli, then take another auto or bus to Haringhata.