
How can we know the location of an electron?

How can we know the location of an electron?

Where Are Electrons? Unlike protons and neutrons, which are located inside the nucleus at the center of the atom, electrons are found outside the nucleus. Because opposite electric charges attract each other, negative electrons are attracted to the positive nucleus.

Can the exact location of an electron in an atom be determined?

The exact location of an electron can not be determined in space.

Can one know the exact location of an electron in the electron cloud?

A: You can’t specify the exact location of an electron. Based on his calculations, he identified regions around the nucleus where electrons are most likely to be. He called these regions orbitals.

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Can we determine the exact location of an electron bound to a nucleus?

The only way of measuring positions for an electron in the atom is by the electron interacting.

How are electrons maintained in their orbitals?

T/F Electrons are maintained in their orbitals by their attraction to the positively charged nucleus. T/F Atomic orbitals represent probability distributions for electrons and come in a variety of shapes. All Atoms possess the ability to do work. Oxygen has an atom mass of 16 and an atomic number of 8.

Is it impossible to determine the exact position and exact momentum of an electron simultaneously Why r the path of an electron in an atom is clearly defined?

Assertion (A): It is impossible to determine the exact position and exact momentum of an electron simultaneously. Reason (R): The path of an electron in an atom is clearly defined. Answer: (c) According to uncertainty principle, the concept of orbit of electron is not correct and the orbit is replaced by orbital.

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Is it possible to find the exact position of the electron How do you find the position and velocity of an electron?

No, as the electrons are very small, light of very short wavelength is required for this task. This short wavelength light interacts with the electron and disturbs the motion of electron. So it is not possible to find exact position and velocity of electron simultaneously.

Is it possible to define the exact path of electron around nucleus explain the principle which prove your answer?

⭐. This short wavelength light interacts with the electron and disturb the motion of the electron . Hence the position and velocity of electron cannot be measured accurately . So ,it is clear that electrons do not follow definite paths in an atom.

Why is the location of an electron uncertain?

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and the velocity of a particle. The detection of an electron, for example, would be made by way of its interaction with photons of light. This reflected photon causes a change in the path of the electron.

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Why is it impossible to locate the exact location of an electron in an atom?

Electrons further away from the nucleus will have higher energy. Judging by the uncertainty principle,we see that the position of such small entity can not be found, therefore, and electron has no exact position in an atom, rather they spin in cluster called the electron cloud.

What do scientists use to predict the locations of electrons in atoms?

Ernest Z. Their main tool is the Schrödinger equation.