
How did Elizabeth Shaw get pregnant?

How did Elizabeth Shaw get pregnant?

Shaw is supposedly sterile, but she becomes pregnant by her mutating archaeologist partner, Charlie Holloway. Poor Holloway gets burned to death to stop the mutation, while Shaw, as mentioned, has to remove the alien fetus herself.

Did Vickers sleep with Janek?

Janek, the captain of the Prometheus, asked Vickers for sex like he was asking an android for a glass of water. After she agreed without emotion, he sang “if you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with” before he had sex with her (although they didn’t show it).

Why did the engineer die in the beginning of Prometheus?

That’s an alien creating life on earth, right? That certainly seems to be the case: we see an engineer, apparently left alone on a barren earth as his fellows ship out, who consciously sacrifices himself by drinking black goo that causes his body to crumble into little bits of DNA that spread throughout the world.

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What did David do to Elizabeth?

When she balked at his genocide, David began using her as a specimen in his genetic experimentation, attempting to make her “more than human”; despite his efforts at keeping her alive during this process, she eventually perished. David then made a grave for her in the citadel’s garden.

Was Vickers a man?

OvomorphMember0 XPJul-17-2012 10:24 AMA lot of people are debating whether vickers is human or a robot. Well, if she agreed to have sex with the pilot to prove she wasn’t a robot well… she’s not a robot, but there’s definitely something odd about her.

What did David do with Elizabeth Shaw?

However, David annihilated the Engineers as a “gift” to Shaw. When she balked at his genocide, David began using her as a specimen in his genetic experimentation, attempting to make her “more than human”; despite his efforts at keeping her alive during this process, she eventually perished.