
How did Nog lose his leg in Deep Space Nine?

How did Nog lose his leg in Deep Space Nine?

Throughout the course of the series, Nog befriends Jake Sisko. Nog receives a commission as ensign shortly before Starfleet retakes Deep Space Nine during the Dominion War (“Favor the Bold”). In the height of the Dominion War, Nog loses his leg due to a battle injury (“The Siege of AR-558”).

Is rom the Grand Nagus?

Rom was a male Ferengi engineer of the 24th century Ferengi Alliance and became its Grand Nagus. He was known for being a kinder, gentler Ferengi and kept that reputation as Nagus. He was the son of Keldar and Ishka, younger brother of Quark, and father of Nog.

What is Gold pressed Latinum?

Edit. Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown. Latinum is usually suspended within the element gold to produce the currency Gold Pressed Latinum (GPL) .

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Who is quarks brother?

Rom is a recurring character on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is played by Max Grodénchik. Rom is a Ferengi, the son of Keldar and Ishka. He is Quark’s younger brother, and the father of Nog.

What was the name of the DS9 Star Trek character’s quarters?

( DS9: ” Starship Down “, ” Chrysalis “) According to the Pocket DS9 novel Twilight, one of his sisters was a politician on Beta Antares IV. Although he owned his own ship, Morn kept his quarters aboard Deep Space 9. His quarters were exceptionally spartan, containing a “hot tub” of mud, where he slept, and a painting of a matador.

Why was DS9 so important to Star Trek?

Rather than a minor orbital servicing station and transfer point, DS9 had the potential to become one of the top commerce stations in the entire quadrant, and one of Starfleet’s most important outposts. Quark even once referred to the station as ” Wormhole Junction “.

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Was deep Space Nine the first Star Trek series?

Deep Space Nine was the first Star Trek series to be created without the direct involvement of franchise creator Gene Roddenberry, the first set on a space station rather than a traveling starship, and the first to have a person of color —Commander Benjamin Sisko ( Avery Brooks )—as its central character.

Who are the recurring characters in DS9?

Unlike other Star Trek series, DS9 also had a large cast of recurring characters. Such characters included Nog, Rom, Elim Garak, Dukat, Vedek Bareil Antos, Winn Adami, Weyoun, the Female Changeling, Damar, Martok, Kasidy Yates, Leeta, Brunt, Ishka, and Zek. Miles O’Brien, and later Worf, were two characters imported from TNG.