
How did the Pax Romana help Christianity?

How did the Pax Romana help Christianity?

In the First Century AD, Paul (Saul) of Tarsus taught the message of Christianity to people other than Jews. Roman roads and the Pax Romana helped to spread Christianity. Many Romans feared the spread of Christianity, because Christian ideas did not agree with the old Roman ways.

What are three positive effects of the Pax Romana?

Which three choices are positive effects of the Pax Romana (“the time of Roman peace”), which lasted from around 27 BC until AD 180? Slavery was abolished, the Colosseum was built, and the empire expanded. Christianity was banned, the society became classless, and the Colosseum was built.

What impact did the Roman Empire have on the spread of Christianity?

In 313 C.E., Roman emperor Constantine the Great ended all persecution and declared toleration for Christianity. Later that century, Christianity became the official state religion of the Empire. This drastic change in policy spread this relatively new religion to every corner of the Empire.

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How did the Pax Romana enable the integration?

How did the Pax Romana enable the integration of multiple cultures across three continents? By encouraging travel and trade within the empire. Where did Christianity emerge? Freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman empire.

How did the Pax Romana help economic growth in the empire?

How did the Pax Romana help economic growth in the empire? It helped the economy grow because people were able to go about their lives in peace. Also there were no major wars threatening the people of the empire. How did roads, aqueducts, and concrete contribute to city life?

Which impact of Pax Romana benefited the economy of the Roman Empire?

While it lasted, the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) provided the order and stability that trade required. The Roman army made the roads and sea routes safe for traders. In turn, trade helped the economy grow.