
How do all units of the computer communicate with each other?

How do all units of the computer communicate with each other?

A computer consists of input unit that takes input, a CPU that processes the input and an output unit that produces output. All these devices communicate with each other through a common bus. The data bus carries data from one component to another and the control bus carries the control signals.

How are main components of a computer connected?

Computers are like any machine: a series of moving parts connected together to perform a task. The parts that connect the central processing unit (CPU) to the rest of the hardware are called the motherboard, power cables, and information cables.

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How do different components of the computer communicate with each other Brainly?

Answer: the computer components communicate with other components through the system bus.

What are the components of digital computer?

A typical digital computer system has four basic functional elements: (1) input-output equipment, (2) main memory, (3) control unit, and (4) arithmetic-logic unit. Any of a number of devices is used to enter data and program instructions into a computer and to gain access to the results of the processing operation.

What is the main components of computer?

5 parts of a computer

  • A motherboard.
  • A Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • A Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), also known as a video card.
  • Random Access Memory (RAM), also known as volatile memory.
  • Storage: Solid State Drive (SSD) or Hard Disk Drive (HDD)

How would you explain the components of a computer with block diagram?

Computer Block Diagram System: Mainly computer system consists of three parts, that are central processing unit (CPU), Input Devices, and Output Devices. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is divided into two parts again: arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit (CU). Fig: Block Diagram of the computer.

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How does the computer understand a program written in high level language?

Computers understand only binary or machine language. The computer understands a program written in a high-level language with translators, i.e., interpreters, compilers, or bytecode. Interpreters: It analyses the code and then executes predefined code fragments.

What is the main way to communicate with a desktop computer?

The keyboard is one of the main ways to communicate with a computer. There are many different types of keyboards, but most are very similar and allow you to accomplish the same basic tasks.

What are the four basic components of computer?

There are four main computer hardware components that this blog post will cover: input devices, processing devices, output devices and memory (storage) devices. Collectively, these hardware components make up the computer system.