
How do authors stay anonymous?

How do authors stay anonymous?

Using a pen name, or nom de plume, can provide you with the freedom of anonymity if you have concerns about people knowing that you have written a particular book. Whether it is as simple as you not wanting your strait-laced colleagues at the law firm know that you secretly write bodice-ripping romance novels.

What reason would a writer have to stay anonymous?

The most common reason for wanting anonymity is when the content is of a sensitive nature. I often speak with would-be authors who have been through harrowing real life experiences and want to share them with others in a bid to perhaps steer them away from falling into the same trap.

How do you publish a pen name anonymously?

Therefore, an author publishing under a pen name must make sure the links to achieve anonymity are strong.

  1. Step 1: Form an Anonymous LLC.
  2. Step 2: Form Other Relationships Under the Anonymous LLC.
  3. Step 3: Avoid Telling Anyone About the Connection.
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Can you make money as an anonymous author?

There’s a common misconception that you can only write online if you start a blog. Believe it or not, that’s not the case. You can easily earn a few bucks by writing anonymously online, even if you don’t invest in creating your own blog.

How does a pen name work?

A pseudonym, also known as a pen name or nom de plume, is a fictitious name that a writer or author uses instead of his or her real name. A pen name is listed as the author’s name on a published book, and readers often do not know the real name or identity of the author.

How do you think of a pen name?

To choose a pen name:

  1. Identify the right age for your pseudonym.
  2. Choose options that fit your literary genre.
  3. Check the availability of your pen name’s URL and social media handles.
  4. Choose a name that’s easy to spell, pronounce, and remember.
  5. Make sure your pen name isn’t similar or identical to another author’s.
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How do I keep my pen name secret?

Web Design Relief Explains Seven Ways To Keep Your Secret Identity Safe

  1. Get A New Email.
  2. Set Up Separate Social Media Profiles.
  3. Purge Personal Photos.
  4. Soft-Focus Your Bio.
  5. Consider Copyright Issues.
  6. Check Out DBAs And FBNs.
  7. Limit Public Appearances.
  8. QUESTION: Do you think pseudonyms are a good or bad idea for authors?