
How do D&D subclasses work?

How do D&D subclasses work?

A subclass is either an alternative version of an existing class, or one of the original classes that got renamed at the same time as receiving certain updates. Subclasses that are renamed versions of existing classes are marked with green. A character with a subclass can pick the feats of its parent class.

What is a subclass in D&D?

A subclass in Dungeons & Dragons is a versatile term. Others are homebrews or just creative twists on existing D&D rules. Typically, though, it refers to the specific type that a player falls into under the main class they have chosen, such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue.

Can you have 2 subclasses in D&D?

By the rules you cannot. The rules for multiclassing state: With this rule, you have the option of gaining a level in a new class whenever you advance in level, instead of gaining a level in your current class. A subclass is not a new class.

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How do you change subclasses in D&D beyond?

RAW, there is no way to switch subclasses. A DM can allow whatever they want, of course.

How do I change subclasses in 5e?

To change your subclass, your DM might require you to spend time devoted to the transition, as you study the ways of the new specialization. When a character experiences a profound self-realization or faces an entity or a place of overwhelming power, beauty, or terror, the DM might allow an immediate subclass change.

What level do you subclass?

Features at the correct levels

Core class Feature levels for Subclass
Ranger 3, 7, 11, 15
Rogue 3, 9, 13, 17
Sorcerer 1, 6, 14, 18
Warlock 1, 6, 10, 14

Is it possible to multiclass subclasses 5e?

Once a character reaches a higher level, you can have them multiclass according to the ruleset available on pages 163-165 in the Player’s Handbook. This means that the character will now have more than one class, giving them more abilities beyond what a single class can do.

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What level do you get subclasses in D&D?