
How do French people sound when speaking English?

How do French people sound when speaking English?

French has no diphthongs, so vowels are always shorter than their English counterparts. The long A, O, and U sounds in English, as in say, so, and Sue, are pronounced by French speakers like their similar but un-diphthonged French equivalents, as in the French words sais, seau, and sou.

How do you lose American accent when speaking French?

1) Learn the new sounds in French and remove extraneous English sounds. 2) Try to perfect your liaisons and how you combine words. Don’t pronounce the end of words haphazardly. 3) Remember that French is marked by increased tenseness during pronunciation, the absence of diphthongs, and plenty of nasality.

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Can you speak French without an accent?

Can I learn to speak a foreign language without an accent as an adult? The answer is no. After your early teens, the chance of learning to speak a new language without an accent is vanishingly small. Not only the speech sounds but also the rhythm and intonation will give you away.

Is it possible to lose an American accent?

This vibrates the auditory nerve from your ear to the brain more directly making the signal more effective. You can lose your accent entirely. Or you can keep some of your accent and just speak more clearly and be understood better when you speak English. All of this is possible with a bit of practise.

Does the “th” sound exist in French?

The “th” sound doesn’t exist in French though (again) the “th” appears in many French words—mathématiques, bibliothèque, the’—it is pronounced as a “t” sound. When French ESL students pronounce the “th” sound in English words as an “s” or “z” sound

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What are the most common mistakes French speakers make with English vowels?

The two most common mistakes French speakers make with their English vowel pronunciations involve pronouncing all “ih” sounds in English words as “ee” sounds, and all “ahe” and “ahr” sounds with an “ah” sound. The most common mistakes made by French ESL students in their pronunciation of English are cause by unfamiliar phonemes, or speech sounds.

Is it OK to talk if you can’t pronounce the French u?

Even if your inability to correctly pronounce certain vowel sounds, like the French ou and u , changes the meaning of what you’re trying to say, there are still ways to work around that. As long as you’re being understood, by all means, speak!

Is it true that the French don’t like to hear their accent?

Yes, the French love their language and don’t enjoy hearing it butchered. There are also some people who are just mean, like everywhere else in the world. So there will inevitably be times you run into people who just don’t have the patience or desire to hear you speak French with your accent. This isn’t that common though.