
How do I become an OES officer?

How do I become an OES officer?

Eligibility criteria Age: 21-32 years as on January 1, 2021. Educational qualification: A Bachelor degree in Arts/Science/Commerce with a Master’s degree in Education OR Master’s degree in Arts/Science/Commerce with a Bachelor’s degree in Education.

What is the minimum qualification for OES?

Odisha OES Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Arts or Science or Commerce with Master’s Degree in Education with basic knowledge in computer application is necessary educational qualification to apply for this recruitment. The candidates with integrated B.A. (Hons.), B. Ed or B.Sc (Hons), B.

How can I be BEO in Odisha?

Candidates who completed their Graduation B.A / B.Sc/ B. Tech from any Recognized Institute or University in India are eligible to apply for the Block Educational Officer Vacancy. State Governments like Tamil Nadu, Odisha, and others do hire the eligible candidates for Block Education Officer Openings.

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What is the qualification of OAS?

OPSC OAS Eligibility Criteria

Age limit 21-32 years
Educational Qualification A bachelor’s degree in any specialization.
Nationality Indian
Number of Attempts Unreserved- 04 attempts S.E.B.C- 07 attempts S.C. / S.T.- No Limit
Experience Unspecified

What is the salary of OES in Odisha?

The salary structure for OPSC OES is Scale of Pay of Rs. 44,900/- of Level-10, Cell- 01 of Pay Matrix under ORSP Rules, 2017 with usual Dearness and other Allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time.

What is OAS exam?

OPSC OAS Main Exam is further divided into 2 parts i.e the Compulsory Subject and the Optional Papers. The main exam is an essay based exam comprising 9 exam sets. There are 5 compulsory papers and 4 papers of optional subjects. Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be of 10th std. level and are qualifying in nature.

What is salary of OAS?

Sl.No. Name and Designation Gross Salary
5 Shri Sanjoy Keshari Swain, State Information Commissioner Rs. 2,21,181/-
6 Shri Narendra Kumar Mantry, OAS(SAG), Secretary Rs. 1,97,374/-
7 Trishna Biswal, OAS(I) JB, Under Secretary Rs. 87,526/-
8 Shri Manas Kumar Mishra, Registrar Rs. 33,605/-