
How do I center a list in HTML?

How do I center a list in HTML?

To center align an unordered list, you need to use the CSS text align property. In addition to this, you also need to put the unordered list inside the div element. Now, add the style to the div class and use the text-align property with center as its value.

How do you center items in a list?

There are two simple ways to center list item horizontally.

  1. display: inline-block & text-align: center. .list-container { text-align: center; .list-item { display: inline-block; } }
  2. width: fit-content & margin: 0 auto;

How do I align a list to the right in HTML?

To make a right-aligned version of the list, only three changes need to occur. First, set the “UL” “text-align” to “right”. Second, change the left “background-position” from “0” to “100\%” – which makes the image align up with the right edge. And finally change “padding-left” to “padding-right”.

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How do you right align an ordered list in HTML?

Answer 55cba961d3292f827c0000db. As a typographical norm, lists are never center aligned. It affects their readability and is non-standard. If we are determined to center the list, then we should remove the list-style, which makes more sense on an unordered list.

How do I center UL in HTML?

To center a block object (e.g. the ul ) you need to set a width on it and then you can set that objects left and right margins to auto. To center the inline content of block object (e.g. the inline content of li ) you can set the css property text-align: center; .

How do you left-align an ordered list in HTML?

You have two options, I think: Use list-style-position: inside and set padding-left: 0 (the “inside” class in the example). (Usage of list-style-position is explained on MDN here). Or you can manipulate padding-left until it lines up with your paragraph text.

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How do I left align a list in HTML?

4 Answers. To achieve what you want, you have to give display: table; to your div. This will left-align the text in any UL that is contained within a div with ID of listDiv .

How do I center align bullet points in HTML?

“how to center bullet points in html” Code Answer

  1. ul {
  2. text-align: center;
  3. list-style: inside;
  4. }

How do I center an unordered list in HTML?

Define the lists in HTML.

  1. Centre Align an Unordered List
  2. Entire List Centre Justified

    • Yesterday.

    How do I center a div list?

    The trick here is to:

    1. enclose the div that you want to center with a parent element (commonly known as a wrapper or container)
    2. set text-align: center to parent element.
    3. then set the inside div to display: inline-block.

    How do I center align text to the left in HTML?

    To set text alignment in HTML, use the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. The attribute is used with the HTML

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    , with the CSS property text-align for the center, left and right alignment.