
How do I change my IPPB account to regular account?

How do I change my IPPB account to regular account?

You can convert your digital savings account to a full-fledged regular savings account within a year’s time by visiting the nearest IPPB access point or through Doorstep Banking Services with the help of a postman/GDS.

Can I link my post office saving account to IPPB?

Process: Customer must have active individual POSA account to link it with IPPB savings account. POSA account can be linked at the time of opening IPPB account or post opening of IPPB account through Doorstep service or at the IPPB Access Point.

What is my customer ID and account number IPPB?

How to Know Customer ID in IPPB Bank

  1. Check out the front page of your passbook.
  2. By Calling Helpline Number.
  3. Go through the checkbook.
  4. Take help from the net banking services.
  5. Visit the Indian Postal Payments Bank Branch.
  6. Download Your Account Statement.
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How do I find my IPPB account details?

India Post Payments Bank, provides the facility of SMS banking so that customers can quickly access the account details on their mobile phones, simply by sending an SMS to the IPPB’s SMS Banking number 7738062873.

What is the advantage of IPPB account?

You can avail yourself of services such as easy bill payments, Doorstep Banking services, instant money transfer through IMPS and other remittance services. In addition, you will get the benefit of QR card, phone banking, SMS banking, free quarterly email statements and SMS alerts.

What is POSB account?

A. A POSB account is the Post Office Savings Account.

How do I activate my IPPB Internet banking? To get started, one needs to visit the post office branch with the completed internet banking form. Submit it along with required documents. A person will receive an SMS alert once internet banking is activated.