
How do I do an IF THEN formula in Google Sheets?

How do I do an IF THEN formula in Google Sheets?

The IF function can be used on its own in a single logical test, or you can nest multiple IF statements into a single formula for more complex tests. To start, open your Google Sheets spreadsheet and then type =IF(test, value_if_true, value_if_false) into a cell.

How do you sum between two dates in Google Sheets?

How to use SUMIF with a date condition

  1. Type “=SUMIF” and press the Tab key.
  2. Click and drag the mouse to select the column with the range of dates.
  3. Type a comma and then enter “DATE(2021, 1,15)” (do not include the quotation marks).
  4. Type a comma and then select the column with the sales figures.
  5. Press the Tab key.
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How do you use sum if with dates?


  1. Type =SUMIFS(
  2. Select or type range reference that includes cells to add $H$3:$H$10.
  3. Select or type range reference that includes date values you want to apply the criteria against $C$3:$C$10.
  4. Type minimum date criteria with equoal or greater than operator “>=1/1/2010”
  5. Add the date range again $C$3:$C$10.

How do you sum if dates?

To sum values within a certain date range, use a SUMIFS formula with start and end dates as criteria. The syntax of the SUMIFS function requires that you first specify the values to add up (sum_range), and then provide range/criteria pairs. In our case, the range (a list of dates) will be the same for both criteria.

How do I count multiple text values in Google Sheets?

How to enter the COUNTIF function in Google Sheets

  1. Keep your cursor in a cell where you want to show your calculations, like cell E1.
  2. Enter “=” sign and type COUNTIF function in this active cell E1, an auto-suggested box pops up.
  3. Select the range of cells which you want to text again your criterion.
  4. Then enter comma “,”
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How do I count text values in Google Sheets?

Select a blank cell and type the =COUNTA function including the range of cells that you want to count. For example, we used =COUNTA(A2:A11). Just hit enter, and the COUNTA function will automatically count the cells that are not blank. You now have the total number of cells that have values in it!

Can conditional formatting reference another sheet?

The Conditional formatting Rules only work on the current Sheet. This is by design. So when you point to another Sheet it will not work.

Can I use an IF formula in conditional formatting Google Sheets?

Highlight Cells If in Google Sheets The process to highlight cells that contain an IF Statement in Google sheets is similar to the process in Excel. Highlight the cells you wish to format, and then click on Format, Conditional Formatting.