
How do I fix server overload in WebLogic?

How do I fix server overload in WebLogic?

  1. Configuring WebLogic Server to Avoid Overload Conditions. Limiting Requests in the Thread Pool. Limiting HTTP Sessions. Exit on Out of Memory Exceptions. Stuck Thread Handling.
  2. WebLogic Server Self-Monitoring. Overloaded Health State.
  3. WebLogic Server Exit Codes.

How do I resolve out of memory error in WebLogic?

By default the Xms and Xmx values set by WebLogic server are : 256m and 512m. Looks like your application needs more than 512MB heap memory. So you need to increase the maximum heap size (Xmx) to avoid frequent OutOfMemory error. The new value of Xmx can be 1024m or more.

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What is the maximum connection pool size in WebLogic?

Maximum capacity This attribute sets the maximum number of connections your pool can grow to within a single WebLogic Server instance. If you set this value to 27 and you have eight WebLogic Server instances, in theory, WebLogic could create up to 216 database connections.

What is Oom in WebLogic?

Out Of Memory (OOM): An Out of Memory error occurs due to memory exhaustion, either in java heap or native memory. In the JVM, OOM errors are thrown when the JVM cannot allocate an object because it is out of heap memory, and no more heap memory could be made available by the garbage collector.

What is PermGen space in WebLogic?

PermGen is part of Method (non-heap) stores class related data from class definitions, structures, methods, field, method (data and code) and constants. If this area runs out of space then you get an error like java. lang. OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space. This area can be regulated using -XX:PermSize and -XX: …

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What is heap memory in WebLogic?

Java objects reside in an area called the heap. The Heap is created when the JVM starts up and may increase or decrease in size while the application runs. When the heap become full, objects that are no longer used are cleared, thus making space for new objects.

What is JDBC in WebLogic?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard Java API that consists of a set of classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language. Multitier drivers that provide vendor-neutral database access. A Java client application can use a multitier driver to access any database configured in WebLogic server.

How do you reduce hogging threads in WebLogic?

Only the thing you can change with respect to hogging threads configuration is Polar time (Stuck Thread Timer Interval parameter) which is 2 secs by default. You can change this polar value to some different value like 4 secs if you want polar to run in every 4 secs instead of 2 secs.

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How do I increase memory in WebLogic?

cmd for Windows, which is in the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory. The heap size is set with the -Xmx option….To change the WebLogic JVM heap size:

  1. Open the setDomainEnv file in a text editor.
  2. Search for this comment line:
  3. Immediately after the comment line, add one of these lines:
  4. Save the file.
  5. Re-start WebLogic Server.

How do I increase PermGen space in WebLogic?

To set PermGen size you can use e.g. -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m . Regarding Weblogic, set the JAVA_OPTIONS and see if these options are properly passed in as parameters into your Java process. You can also directly set these parameters in the startWeblogic.

How can check JVM heap size in WebLogic console?

The size is set in the file for Linux or setDomainEnv. cmd for Windows, which is in the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory….Checking Heap Usage:

  1. Expand your WebLogic domain then expand Servers.
  2. Click the server you intend to monitor.
  3. Select the Monitoring tab, and the Performance sub-tab.

How do I increase heap space in WebLogic?