
How do I get an apprenticeship with NATS Quora?

How do I get an apprenticeship with NATS Quora?

Open any browser  Type in the address bar National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS)  Click on Enrol Button (find at the top-right corner of the home page)  wait for a page to open  from the drop down box select the appropriate and correct options for example “ I am a permanent resident of I would like to …

What is the criteria for apprentice?

Any person who is 14 years or above, fulfills the basic physical and educational standards as defined in the Apprentices Act,1961. Fresher/ ITI Pass-outs in related trades can join apprenticeship training apply to be engaged as trade apprentices.

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How do I register with MHRD portal?

Document Required

  1. Aadhaar card.
  2. Valid Personal Email ID.
  3. Mobile number (will be required to send/verify OTP)
  4. Passport size photograph Format: JPEG, Size: Less than 200kb.
  5. Aadhaar seeded / mapped Bank account details.
  6. Qualifying Degree / Provisional Certificate, Format: PDF, Size: Less than 1mb.

How do you contact Nats?

For BOAT / portal related queries please email or reach on to ww. (h) Western Region Students Email: natsconnselling Phone: +91-22-24055635/ 24053682 Toll free: 1800-222-060 (only Telecom Network Solutions Pvt.

Can I change year of passing in Nats?

Yes, you can change the year of passing to search the students if you are a private Establishment and it is mandatory to set the lowest year for State and Central Government industries.

What is the process of apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship training consists of basic training ( theoretical instructions ) and practical on the job training at actual work place. Any individual, who has completed 14 years of age, is physically fit and having minimum educational qualification prescribed for a trade can undergo apprenticeship training.

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How do I apply for an apprenticeship in Nats?

Login On The Portal-

  1. Go to the official website of the National Apprenticeship Training Program.
  2. The home page will open in front of you.
  3. On the home page, you have to click on the login.
  4. A new page will open in front of you where you have to enter your login ID, password, and captcha code.

What is Nats enrollment number?

6) What do you mean by University Registration Number? This is the Register number available on your Provisional / Mark sheet / Degree / Diploma Certificates.

How long is Nats training?

The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme in India is a one year programme for all of the students. It gives technical qualifications to the youth of the country. The program gives practical knowledge and skills that are required in their field of work.