
How do I learn to code a blog?

How do I learn to code a blog?

Here are a couple of my favorites for you, for a variety of languages.

  1. CodePen Blog. This is the first blog I used in my very first introduction to coding class with General Assembly.
  2. NSHipster.
  3. Ray Wenderlich.
  4. CSS-Tricks.
  5. The Crazy Programmer.
  6. The Daily WTF.
  7. My Programming Blog (MPB)
  8. David Walsh Blog.

What kind of software do you need to create a blog?

Overall, WordPress is an excellent choice for both personal blogs as well as professional blogs. Majority of the well-known bloggers on the internet use WordPress as their content management system because it’s user-friendly and comes with all the functionality that you’ll need to create a successful blog.

How do you write a blog in HTML?


  1. Step 1 – Create A New Document In Your Text Editor.
  2. Step 2 – Create A Basic HTML Template.
  3. Step 3 – Add A Page Title And Practice Some Indenting.
  4. Step 4 – Add Some Headings And Preview In The Browser.
  5. Step 5 – Add Some Paragraph Text.
  6. Step 6 – Add Some Formatting To The Text.
  7. Step 7 – Add Some Style To The Text.
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How do I create a website without experience?

The Best Services to Make a Website Without Coding

  1. Wix: Free and Simple. Wix is a popular site builder, sporting a simple interface, great templates, and smooth websites.
  2. Weebly: Built for E-Commerce.
  3. 1&1: Pricy, but a Great Site Editor.
  4. GoDaddy: Premium Hosting.

Why you need a blog as a programmer?

Aside from being able to educate others, blogging is also a really great way to reinforce knowledge, build your brand, earn money, amongst other things. Most developers shy away from blogging because they think they are not smart enough or they don’t think it is important.

How to become a blogger in 5 concise steps?

This is how to become a blogger in 5 concise steps. Choose your blogging platform and domain. Design your blog using a simple theme. Modify your blog to define your style. Select the best plugins for your blog. Write compelling content.

Why every programmer should have a blog?

Why Every Programmer should have a Blog? 1 1. Improve your technical skills. There is a well known old Latin principle “The best way to learn something is to teach it”. I find this principle 2 2. Make some nice side income. 3 3. Market yourself. 4 4. Learn how to write and present your ideas. 5 5. Be an authority in your field.

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How do I start a small blog?

Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting. Start your blog by adding WordPress. Pick a simple theme to make your blog your own. Add two key blogging plugins to find your readers and track stats. Write compelling content to create a blog that your readers love.

Should a software engineer start a blog?

Marketing your blog is actually not an easy task and requires you to learn a lot about online marketing. I find online marketing to be an extremely valuable skill that software engineers need to have in their repertoire. This in itself makes starting a blog a worthy goal in my opinion.