
How do I make a poll on Discord?

How do I make a poll on Discord?

How to make a poll on Discord using Emoji reactions

  1. Navigate to the server and channel where you want to input your poll.
  2. Type in your poll question.
  3. Press ‘Shift + Enter’ to move to a new line, tag @everyone, and type in the instructions for the poll.

Can you take a poll on Discord?

To make a poll on Discord, you need to invite the simple poll bot to your server via and use /poll to make a poll. Alternatively, if you’re looking to make a poll via your server, you need to create a Webhook and paste its URL in Discohook.

Is there an emoji for voting?

A ballot box, as used to cast votes in an election. Commonly used for various content concerning voting and elections, especially in politics and government. Ballot Box with Ballot was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014 and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

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What is MEE6?

Basically, the MEE6 discord bot is a chat-bot that provides management options for the online discord community, much like Rythm Bot, YAGPDB Bot, or Groovy Bot. The ease-to-access MEE6 dashboard lets you configure a wide range of settings for your discord server and collect valuable user data simultaneously.

What does this emoji mean 🗳?

The Ballot Box With Ballot emoji 🗳️ depicts a ballot box, as used to cast a vote during an election, with a paper ballot being deposited into its slot. The emoji is commonly used to represent voting and elections, both in political contexts and non-political contexts (e.g., popularity polls, award shows).

What does this emoji mean 📊?

📊 Meaning – Bar Chart Emoji The Bar Chart Emoji was added to the Objects category in 2010 as part of Unicode 6.0 standard. This is a mature emoji and it should work on most devices.

How do you give XP in Discord?

Reward your members with XP points When someone sends a message, MEE6 will give them XP points so they can level up. You can even tweak the difficulty by changing the amount of XP points earned per message.

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What does Nightbot do in Discord?

Nightbot provides a pile of chat commands and auto-moderation tools for your Discord.