
How do I print a PTR?

How do I print a PTR?

“how to print value of pointer in c” Code Answer

  1. #include
  2. #include
  3. void pointerFuncA(int* iptr){
  4. /*Print the value pointed to by iptr*/
  5. printf(“Value: \%d\n”, *iptr );
  6. /*Print the address pointed to by iptr*/
  7. printf(“Value: \%p\n”, iptr );

What is pointer declaration pointer with example?

The declarator names the variable and can include a type modifier. For example, if declarator represents an array, the type of the pointer is modified to be a pointer to an array. You can declare a pointer to a structure, union, or enumeration type before you define the structure, union, or enumeration type.

Can we print pointer in C?

You can print a pointer value using printf with the \%p format specifier. To do so, you should convert the pointer to type void * first using a cast (see below for void * pointers), although on machines that don’t have different representations for different pointer types, this may not be necessary.

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Working of above program

  1. int *ptr = # declares an integer pointer that points at num .
  2. The first two printf() in line 12 and 13 are straightforward.
  3. printf(“Value of ptr = \%x \n”, ptr); prints the value stored at ptr i.e. memory address of num .
  4. printf(“Address of ptr = \%x \n”, &ptr); prints the address of ptr .

Why do pointers need data types?

The reason why you need the data type for pointers is because the compiler has to know what the size of the memory cell is, among others, the pointer is pointing to. Also type safety cannot be ensured w/o the type. Also, you would have to typecast every pointer when accessing structures from the pointer.

Is pointer a non primitive data type?

A primitive data type is one that fits the base architecture of the underlying computer such as int, float, and pointer, and all of the variations, thereof such as char short long unsigned float double and etc, are a primitive data type.