
How do I raise a complaint about tree cutting?

How do I raise a complaint about tree cutting?

and can be reached on 080-2657 8423, 94806 83842, 9480684641. Next, it would help if you also informed the local police station that a tree is being cut without permission and that it is a criminal offence under the Karnataka Preservation of Trees Act.

What do you do if you witness someone cutting down trees illegally?

1) Ask the people cutting the tree to stop immediately. Tell them that it is illegal to cut a tree without permission and that it constitutes a criminal offence. a) Immediately call the Tree Officers office.

Who do you complain to about trees?

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If you have a problem with trees on council estates or in council communal areas: Call 020 8921 8900 or.

Is it illegal to cut trees in India?

According to the Indian Forest Act, each state has laid down its own rules and regulations against felling of trees. The answer is ‘yes’, because, according to this Act, the penalty for cutting down a tree is Rs. 10,000 or 3 months imprisonment.

How do I get permission to cut a tree?

How to get the permission to cut down trees? If you wish to cut down a tree that is blocking your way, or for any other reason, you need to submit an application to the respective Forest department office, mentioning the threat you are facing, along with a copy of your title deed, or ownership certificate and photo.

Do you need permission to cut down trees?

You will need permission to fell or prune a tree in your garden or land if: It is covered by a tree preservation order – you will require permission from your local authority. It is within a designated conservation area – you are required to notify your local authority to get permission.

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Can you stop a Neighbour cutting down tree?

Yes. By law, you have the right to trim branches and limbs that extend past the property line. However, the law only allows tree trimming and tree cutting up to the property line. You may not go onto the neighbor’s property or destroy the tree.

Can a Neighbour force me to cut down a tree?

You cannot force your neighbour to remove overhanging branches or fallen leaves on your property. However if these cause excessive damage, you can sue them for the cost of repair.