
How do I reactivate my IPPB account?

How do I reactivate my IPPB account?

Submit a request for activation of your account through Internet banking

  1. You need to visit the website of India Post Payment Bank Saving Document Required.
  2. Login to Internet Banking using User ID and password.
  3. Request for reactivating the account.

How do I unlock my IPPB account on my phone?

2) Go to the IPPB Mobile Banking application on your mobile phone and then click on ‘Open Account’. 3) All you need is your PAN card number and Aadhaar card number. 4) After inputting both, you get an OTP on your linked mobile number to open the instant bank account.

How do I contact IPPB?

You can get information on your bank account, IPPB’s products & services and resolve queries. For this you need to call our PHONE BANKING service on our toll-free number 155299.

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What is the maximum balance in IPPB account?

To avail unrestricted banking services kindly upgrade your Digital Savings Account to Regular Savings Account within 1 year by visiting any IPPB access point….Service Charges / Fees for Digital Savings Account.

Eligibility Anybody above 18 years with KYC
Minimum Account Balance NIL
Maximum End of Day Balance INR 1,00,000

How do I activate my post office account?

Procedure to activate post office online banking To proceed further in order to activate your account you need to visit and then click on ‘New User Activation’. You will have to enter the Customer ID here, which is the CIF ID which is specified on the first page of your passbook.

Why my IPPB account is locked?

Your Merchant Administration Portal (MAP) account will be locked if you input the wrong password 5 times in a row. However, you can wait for the session to be automatically unlocked within 15 minutes since the account is locked to retry the login process.

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What is IPPB customer ID?

What is IPPB Customer ID? A customer id is a unique number given to account holders. Customers can easily open another account without documents. If the customer already has the Cust ID in that bank.

Can I transfer more than 1 lakh to IPPB?

IPPB also offers RTGS facility for high-value transactions; above Rs. 2 lakhs. Customers can transfer and receive money via RTGS, using their account number and IFSC code. RTGS services can be availed using IPPB’s Mobile banking app.