
How do I run multiple commands in one command in Linux?

How do I run multiple commands in one command in Linux?

The semicolon (;) operator allows you to execute multiple commands in succession, regardless of whether each previous command succeeds. For example, open a Terminal window (Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu and Linux Mint). Then, type the following three commands on one line, separated by semicolons, and press Enter.

How do I run the same command multiple times in Linux?

How To Run a Command Multiple Times in Bash

  1. Wrap your statement for i in {1..n}; do someCommand; done , where n is a positive number and someCommand is any command.
  2. To access the variable (I use i but you can name it differently), you need to wrap it like this: ${i} .
  3. Execute the statement by pressing the Enter key.

How do I run a command group in Linux?

You can use multiple operators to run multiple commands at a time. In the following example, three commands are combined with OR (||) and AND (&&) operators. After running the command, first of all, it will change the current directory to newdir if the directory exists.

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How do I run multiple scripts in Linux?

To run multiple commands in a single step from the shell, you can type them on one line and separate them with semicolons. This is a Bash script!! The pwd command runs first, displaying the current working directory, then the whoami command runs to show the currently logged in users.

How do you run a program multiple times?

To open another window of a program, simply launch it again. An easier way to do this is to press and hold the Shift key and click on the program’s icon in the taskbar. If the program allows multiple windows, then another instance will open up without a hinge.

How do I run a command 10 times in Linux?


  1. ## run command 10 times for i in {1..
  2. for i in {1..
  3. for ((n=0;n<5;n++)) do command1 command2 done.
  4. ## define end value ## END=5 ## print date five times ## x=$END while [ $x -gt 0 ]; do date x=$(($x-1)) done.
  5. repeat N { command } repeat N { /path/to/script } ## print date five times on screen ## repeat 5 { date }
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How do I run two programs at once in bash?

To run commands concurrently you can use the & command separator. This will start command1 , then runs it in the background. The same with command2 . Then it starts command3 normally.

How do I run multiple commands after one command?

Try using the conditional execution & or the && between each command either with a copy and paste into the cmd.exe window or in a batch file. Additionally, you can use the double pipe || symbols instead to only run the next command if the previous command failed.