
How do I tell my daughter she is overweight?

How do I tell my daughter she is overweight?

Here are some tips for discussing weight with kids, and what to do if a child brings up the topic.

  1. Encourage open dialogue.
  2. Don’t make negative comments.
  3. Take action.
  4. Avoid the blame game.
  5. A united front.
  6. Talk with your healthcare provider.
  7. Seek advice.
  8. Focus on health over weight.

How do you tell your wife she is overweight?

Be supportive of your wife rather than critical or distant. There is little downside to broaching the subject directly rather than hinting around. Start not by talking about her weight but about your marriage, your feelings, your sex life. Then ask how she feels her weight affects those important things.

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How do I encourage my daughter to lose weight?

Here are 5 ways to encourage healthy weight management.

  1. Avoid body talk. If you are constantly talking about your own body, that mindset can easily rub off on your teen.
  2. Have more meals together as a family.
  3. “Sneak” in exercise.
  4. Always focus on being healthy — not dieting.
  5. Look out for signs of an eating disorder.

How do I talk to my adult daughter about weight gain?

How to speak up about an overweight teenage or adult child’s health.

  1. Find mutual purpose.
  2. Help your child find his or her own motivation.
  3. Begin with a contrasting statement.
  4. Encourage your child to explore both sides of the issue.
  5. Don’t push your perspective.
  6. Focus on Mutual Purpose.

How do I motivate my daughter to lose weight?

Set Up Lifestyle Changes

  1. Lose the soda. Swap those calorie-heavy drinks, including juices and sports drinks, for good old water or low-fat milk.
  2. Make vegetable and fruits easy snack choices.
  3. Encourage breakfast every day.
  4. Don’t keep junk food in the house.
  5. Eat at home.