
How do I unfollow moments on WeChat?

How do I unfollow moments on WeChat?

If you don’t want to see a certain person’s Moments but still wish to remain friends, you can hide them. From their profile page, tap the “…” button in the top right, then Privacy and switch on Hide His/Her Posts. You can also block your moments from being seen by certain people while remaining friends.

How do I cancel subscriptions on WeChat?

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the profile of the person you want to unsubscribe from.
  2. Click on the 3 dots on the upper right corner.
  3. Click on Moment options.
  4. Click on Hide his moments (or her if it is a lady)
  5. Wait for WeChat to update and you can move on.
  6. Done.
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Can you see who viewed your WeChat moments?

WeChat doesn’t have any sort of read receipts for the Moments feature (I don’t think any major social media platform does, for that matter, apart from the more generic ‘views’, which don’t usually say who the viewer was). The only way to know for sure is if they like or comment.

How do I turn off moments?

If you no longer want to be notified of Moments updates, or if you no longer want to use this feature, you could disable it at Me > Settings > General > Manage Discover > Moment. Once disabled, it won’t be shown at Discover Page. However, your friends can still view your old posts.

How do you delete people from a WeChat group?

A group owner may remove members from a group chat. In a group chat window, tap on the icon in the top right corner > tap and hold on the profile pic of the member you wish to eject from the group (or tap the “-” symbol) and tap the pop-up red circle.

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What is WeChat subscription?

WeChat subscription accounts focus on information and brand communication. They’re like another media channel. Subscription accounts can publish once a day and can only publish 1-6 articles each time. All updates are sent to the users’ subscription folder and users do not receive push notifications.

How can I refund money from WeChat?

You can initiate refund requests and check the real-time status of refunds through API or by logging in to the WeChat Pay Open Platform….

  1. The merchant’s account has insufficient balance.
  2. The user’s WeChat account has been closed.
  3. The refund amount you request is greater than the refundable amount of the order.

What happens if you delete someone on WeChat?

What Happens When You Delete a Contact on WeChat? When you delete a contact on WeChat, they will be removed from your account. They won’t be able to message you or interact with you in any way. If they want to add you back to their contact list, they would have to send you a friend request.

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How can you tell if someone has read your message on WeChat?

How do I know whether my message has been read? WeChat values our users’ privacy. In an effort to ensure maximum privacy, we do not provide read receipts or any way to see whether or not your message has been read.