
How do I use Tesseract to read text from an image?

How do I use Tesseract to read text from an image?


  1. Reading a sample Image. import cv2. Read the image using cv2. imread() method and store it in a variable “img”.
  2. Converting Image to String. import pytesseract. Set the tesseract path in the code pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd=r’C:Program FilesTesseract-OCRtesseract.exe’

What is Tesseract in image processing?

Tesseract — is an optical character recognition engine with open-source code, this is the most popular and qualitative OCR-library. OCR uses artificial intelligence for text search and its recognition on images. Tesseract is finding templates in pixels, letters, words and sentences.

What is page segmentation in Tesseract?

PSM 3 is the default behavior of Tesseract. Automatically attempt to segment the text, treating it as a proper “page” of text with multiple words, multiple lines, multiple paragraphs, etc. After segmentation, Tesseract will OCR the text and return it to you.

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How do you optimize Tesseract?

Three points to improve the readability of the image:

  1. Resize the image with variable height and width(multiply 0.5 and 1 and 2 with image height and width).
  2. Convert the image to Gray scale format(Black and white).
  3. Remove the noise pixels and make more clear(Filter the image).

What can Tesseract OCR do?

Tesseract OCR. Tesseract is an open source text recognition (OCR) Engine, available under the Apache 2.0 license. It can be used directly, or (for programmers) using an API to extract printed text from images. It supports a wide variety of languages.

What is Tesseract OCR used for?

Welcome. Tesseract is an open source optical character recognition (OCR) platform. OCR extracts text from images and documents without a text layer and outputs the document into a new searchable text file, PDF, or most other popular formats.

What is Tesseract page segmentation mode?

Page segmentation mode defines how your text should be treated by Tesseract. For example, if your image contains a single character or a block of text, you want to specify the corresponding psm so that you can improve accuracy.