
How do the indigenous knowledge helpful to the sustainable development of a local community?

How do the indigenous knowledge helpful to the sustainable development of a local community?

Many feel that indigenous knowledge can thus provide a powerful basis from which alternative ways of managing resources can be developed. So learning from indigenous knowledge can improve understanding of local conditions and provide a productive context for activities designed to help the communities.

How do indigenous peoples contribute to the sustainability?

Some contributions include, indigenous peoples’ successful struggles against deforestation, mineral, oil and gas extraction in their ancestral lands; their fight against further expansion of monocrop plantations; their promotion of sustainable production and consumption systems through traditional knowledge and values …

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What is the role of indigenous knowledge in the development?

Indigenous knowledge is the knowledge that helps a society make decisions about activities, such as agriculture and education, that are acceptable to their lifeways. Indigenous knowledge, along with western- based knowledge, helps create development solutions that are culturally acceptable to the society being helped.

What is the role of indigenous knowledge in education?

South Africa’s Curriculum 2005 prescribes Indigenous Knowledge (IK) for inclusion in schools. It also allows for the development of localised content and accommodation of different ways of learning (Revised National Curriculum Statement, 2003).

What are indigenous knowledge sustainable practices?

Among those that they have recognised as viable and sustainable are rotational farming, shifting cultivation, pastoralism, fishing, agroforestry, and hunting and gathering (International Indigenous Peoples’ Summit on Sustainable Develop- ment, 2002).

What is indigenous sustainability?

This is known as sustainability. It was the reason Indigenous cultures were able to survive for so long. One example of Indigenous sustainable practices was the care and management of mangrove environments. Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grow in coastal areas. They are a rich source of natural resources.

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Why is it important to preserve indigenous cultures?

Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity. From animals to insects and plants, biodiversity loss cannot be effectively addressed without tackling the rapid disappearance of indigenous cultures. The two are inextricably linked.

What is the role of indigenous knowledge in the Philippines?

The Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) have been proven to contribute to the sustainability and productivity of many ecosystems, examples of which include the rice terraces and imuyung (private woodlot of the Ifugao, the traditional biodiverse swidden of the Hanunuo, the fish conservation practices of …

Why should we give emphasis on the use of indigenous resources?

Answer: culture and language were the identity cards of indigenous people ,giving them the opportunity to have their own life. Their heritage and spiritual values had enabled them to resist the colonialism that still existed today . So we should emphasise on the use of indigeneous resources.

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What are some Indigenous sustainable practices?

One example of Indigenous sustainable practices was the care and management of mangrove environments. Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grow in coastal areas. They are a rich source of natural resources. Many sources of food, such as clams, mud crabs, mangrove worms, and fish, live in and around the trees.

What are three Indigenous knowledge sustainable practices?