
How do you answer que haces?

How do you answer que haces?

In my circle of friends, they occasionally ask “¿qué haces?”, but not to ask what others are doing. The answer is usually “bien”.

What language is que ases?

ases – translated from Spanish to English.

How do you use the word Que in Spanish?


  1. Que is the subject of the relative clause referring to a person:
  2. Que is the subject of the relative clause referring to a thing:
  3. Que is the direct object of a verb referring to a person:
  4. Que is the direct object of a verb referring to a thing:
  5. Queis the object of a preposition referring only to a thing:

Is it ASES or haces?

Sorry…but no…….the plural of “As” is “ASES”.

What does K Ace mean?

Share on Pinterest Acesulfame potassium may be an ingredient in a number of beverages. Acesulfame potassium — also known as acesulfame K, or ace K — is an artificial sweetener. It is around 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used to give food and drinks a sweet taste without adding calories ( 2 ).

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What does QUE HACES mean?

The phrase ¿Qué haces? is a question with two meanings. First, it can be a general question about what somebody is doing right now. Second, it can be used to ask someone what they do for a living. Fortunately, it should be obvious from context which meaning is intended.

What does que hacen mean in Spanish?

Answer and Explanation: ¿Qué haces? is Spanish for the English phrase ‘What are you doing?’ In Spanish, qué means ‘what’ and the Spanish verb hacer means ‘to do’. Qué haces used in a sentence: ¿Qué haces esta noche? means ‘what are you doing tonight?’.

What does que hace mean?

Hace + expression time + que + a verb in present tense = to express the time since the start of an action to the present time, and may continue in the future. (to have been + ing) For example: Hace doce años que soy maestra de español. – I have been a Spanish teacher for twelve years.