
How do you become a pilot for GDP?

How do you become a pilot for GDP?

These are the conditions you have to meet to be eligible for GD Pilot:

  1. Nationality: Citizen of Pakistan.
  2. Gender: Male I Female.
  3. Marital Status: Unmarried.
  4. Age: 16-22 years.
  5. Height: 163 cm for both Male & Female.

What is GDP in Air Force?

Its role is the training of General Duty Pilots (GDP), Aeronautical and Avionics Engineers and the initial training of other Ground Branch cadets.

How can I become a fighter pilot in Pakistan Air Force?

Age: Age should be 16 to 22 years old. Height: 163 cm for both male as well as female. Training: 4 years training at PAF Academy Risalpur leading the award of BS in Aviation Science and Management from Air University Islamabad. Qualification: F.SC with 60\%marks in aggregate in any one of the following discipline.

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How can I get GDP from PAF?

Individuals meeting criteria should apply via online through or through web link provided on this page. Those who don’t have access to the internet should register themselves by appearing at nearest PAF Information & Selection Centers located in every major city of Pakistan.

How can I become a pilot after FSC in Pakistan?

There are two routes to become a Pilot. Through Pakistan Air Force GD Pilot course, requirement for application is 70\% marks in FSc Pre-engineering (A-Levels with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.) For this route, you need to register at PAF’s website, when you will be in A-2.

How much percentage is required for pilot in Pakistan?

As an Officer

Nationality : Male Citizen of Pakistan
Height : 163cm
Training : BS in Aviation Sciences and Management from Air University Islamabad
Type of Commission : Permanent Commission (PC)
Educational Qualification : Matric in 1st Division and F.Sc with 60\% marks in aggregate in any one of the following disciplines:-