
How do you evaluate a brand name?

How do you evaluate a brand name?

Take the time to thoroughly evaluate a brand name, and consider these 7 questions.

  1. Is the name distinctive?
  2. Does the name support your brand positioning?
  3. Can the name stretch?
  4. Are there any negative connotations?
  5. Can you defend the name?
  6. Is the name easy to pronounce, and easy to spell?
  7. Is the name sticky?

What should you not do when creating a brand name?

7 Deadly Sins to Avoid When Creating a Brand Name

  1. Spelling-challenged. This includes names that are not spelled the way they sound, intentionally misspelled, and the overly cute use of numbers.
  2. Copycat.
  3. Restrictive.
  4. Annoying.
  5. Tame.
  6. Curse of knowledge.
  7. Hard to pronounce.

How do I make my brand name official?

Registering a trademark for a company name is pretty straightforward. Many businesses can file an application online in less than 90 minutes, without a lawyer’s help. The simplest way to register is on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Web site,

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How do you justify your brand name using branding strategies?

A good brand name should evoke positive associations, be easy to pronounce and remember, suggest product benefits, be distinctive, use numerals when emphasizing technology and should not infringe on an existing registered brand name.

What are the two considerations when evaluating options for a brand name?

Instead of choosing a name based on what you like, consider the following five criteria of good brand names:

  • A good brand name should be easy.
  • Your brand name should appeal to your core customer.
  • A good name also should position your brand.
  • Criteria No.
  • And fifth, adapt.

How do you justify a brand name?

How to Choose a Great Brand Name

  1. Use the founder or inventor’s name (Hewlett-Packard)
  2. Describe what you do (Southwest Airlines)
  3. Describe an experience or image (Sprint)
  4. Take a word out of context (Apple)
  5. Make up a word (Google)

How do I make my brand popular?

So, here are 10 ways you can get your brand noticed online.

  1. Strong Branding.
  2. Influencer Marketing.
  3. Strong Website Presence.
  4. Email Marketing Strategy.
  5. Sharing Content Online.
  6. Social Media Contests.
  7. Live Streaming.
  8. Tell A Story.
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What is suggestive brand name?

Suggestive Names These are names that suggest the value behind your product, service or mission. Suggestive names are stickier because customers will correlate your service to your name.