
How do you get a shaving profile in the military?

How do you get a shaving profile in the military?

Any male Soldier determined to have PFB or ingrown hairs of the beard treated by an Army physician, dermatologist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant may be given an appropriate shaving profile. This beard must be uniform, neatly trimmed, and normally will not exceed one-fourth inch in length.

How long is a shaving Profile good for?

The previous policy required PFB waivers to be updated annually. The change allows shaving waivers to be valid for five years from the date of initiation.

What is the Army regulation for shaving?

How does your unit handle Soldiers who have a shaving profile? Army Regulation 670-1 1-8 2(c), states that “males will keep their face clean shaven when in uniform or in civilian clothes on duty. Mustaches are permitted; if worn, males will keep mustaches neatly trimmed, tapered, and tidy.

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What does it mean to have a profile in the army?

Soldiers with permanent profiles “undergo a Medical Retention Board and Physical Evaluation Boards to determine fitness for further military duty,” officials said in May. Part of those reviews may be tied to the soldier’s ability to pass a modified assessment, they added.

Can you be a recruiter with a shaving profile?

Soldiers may not have a shaving profile (waiver not authorized). Possess a valid civilian driver’s license. All Soldiers must be screened against the National Sex Offender Registry database by agency that currently conducts background screening on potential recruiters.

How long does a shaving waiver last?

The study comes as the Air Force attempts to reduce the stigma surrounding shaving waivers and create a more inclusive environment for airmen of color. For example, in June 2020, the Air Force surgeon general extended shaving waivers so that they are valid for up to five years.

Can you line up your beard in the army?

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Handlebar mustaches, goatees, and beards are not authorized. haircut. Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may not be flared; the base of the sideburn will be a clean shaven, horizontal line.

Where can I find my da 3349?

Click on the “Download My Profiles (DA 3349)” link near the bottom left hand side of the page. 6. Another web page will open showing all of the approved permanent and temporary profiles on the Soldier.

Why is shaving important in the army?

Shaving is important for military men because it upholds a professional standard and promotes uniformity. One other reason shaving is important is because some equipment that requires a strong seal, such as a gas mask, work best with a clean shaven face.