
How do you get rid of the smell of musty urine?

How do you get rid of the smell of musty urine?

Mix Baking Soda, Peroxide and Dish Detergent Make a solution of baking soda, peroxide and any dish detergent. The combination of the three is often powerful enough to drive away even the strongest of urine smells. Mix together 8 fluid ounces of peroxide, 3 tablespoons baking soda and a few drops of dish detergent.

What does musty smelling urine smell like?

It makes you unable to break down an amino acid called phenylalanine. When these metabolites accumulate your urine may develop a “mousy” or musky smell.

What does urine smell like with liver disease?

Liver disease Infections and diseases of the liver can produce high levels of ammonia in the urine and the accompanying pungent odor. Ammonia levels in blood and urine will increase when the liver is not working the way it should. Any continued ammonia odor in urine should be checked by a doctor.

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Should I be worried if my pee smells weird?

Urine often has a slight ammonia smell, especially first thing in the morning or when a person is dehydrated. Smelly urine can also be a sign of an infection, however, so if the smell does not go away on its own, or if additional symptoms develop, see a doctor.

What neutralises the smell of urine?

Use Distilled White Vinegar Distilled white vinegar is a mild acid that helps neutralize the components in urine. Pour some distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle and liberally spray the areas that have a pee smell.

What can make your urine smell foul?

Foul-Smelling Urine: Medical Conditions

  • Yeast infection. Dr.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Like yeast infections, vaginal discharge in the case of STIs causes a mild smell, not urine itself.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes.
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).

What does chlamydia urine smell like?

Chlamydia is a known sexually transmitted disease that can cause your urine to smell funky. It can be easily cured, but often difficult to detect. This is because its symptoms can be disregarded or misdiagnosed as a side effect of other ailments.

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Does Febreze get rid of urine smell?

Freshen up! For additional freshness, try using Febreze Fabric Pet Odor Eliminator once it’s completely dry. You can also use Febreze Air Heavy Duty Pet Odor Eliminator around the litter box area to dull that lingering cat pee odor.

Should I see a doctor if my urine smells?

Most changes in urine odor are temporary and don’t mean you have a serious illness, particularly if you have no other symptoms. When an unusual urine odor is caused by an underlying medical condition, other symptoms are also present. If you’re concerned about the odor of your urine, talk to your doctor.