
How do you list degrees on a business card?

How do you list degrees on a business card?

Instead, place the initials of your degree program after your name on the business card and separate the two with a comma. For example, you might want to list a business administration master’s degree as “John Smith, MBA.” For a master’s in hospitality, you’d want to list “John Smith, MMH.” Similarly, you’d list a Ph.

Should you put PhD on business card?

“Dr Name, PhD” is redundant, so this usage is often discouraged. If you are going to indicate the degree, I’d recommend “Name, PhD” rather than “Dr Name” since it’s more informative (at the very least it will keep anyone from thinking you are a medical doctor).

Is it appropriate to put MBA on your business card?

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Earning an MBA is no small task. To this end, be sure to include the initials “MBA” after your name on the business card. It is proper etiquette to include your credentials, as they let the recipient of the business card know that you are a qualified and experienced professional and an advanced-degree holder.

How do you list academic degrees?

If you have a degree, start by listing the highest degree you’ve earned immediately after your name, such as a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree or associate degree. If you have multiple degrees, you may choose to list only the highest degree you have earned since this often eclipses previous degrees.

Is it pretentious to put PhD after your name?

Yes. There’s no harm in including PhD after your name on LinkedIn, and it may help. As your career progresses, you can decide whether or not to keep it as your skill-set gets more defined and you build a reputation for other things.

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How do you list credentials after your name on a business card?

There are a few ways to list your professional designations on a business card. The most traditional would be to place those letters preceded by a comma right after your name. e.g. Janet Drusitch, PhD. You could of course expand those letters into words, especially if the designations are not typically used.

Should you include MBA in your title?

In general, you should not list the concentration details after your name. Stating MBA will suffice. Also, there are many different types of MBA programs. For example, there are executive MBAs, online MBAs, Internationational MBAs, and standard MBA programs.

Should degree be capitalized?

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science. General references, such as bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree, are not capitalized.