
How do you list high school on resume?

How do you list high school on resume?

How to include your high school education on a resume

  1. Create a section of your resume specifically for education.
  2. Place high school education after your college experience.
  3. Include your school’s name and location.
  4. Include your recent or anticipated graduation date.
  5. Consider sharing your grade point average (GPA)

Should I put my GPA on my resume?

Your GPA should always be listed as a part of the education section in your resume, as it’s a part of your educational achievements. Do not include it in your awards and accomplishments section.

Should you put high school awards on resume?

When listing your awards and accomplishments, you usually want to put them under their respective education or employment history sections. If the award is part of your education history, include it under your education summary. If it is relevant to past work experience, include it with your employment history.

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Can I lie about my GPA on my resume?

While it is okay to leave your GPA out (unless the employer asks for it), it is not okay to lie about your GPA on your resume. It is very easy for an employer to verify your GPA by looking at your transcript. If you lie, you might lose a chance of getting the job, or (if you are already hired), you risk being fired.

Do you include high school on resume?

If you are a high school student, college student, fresh graduate with no work experience, or if your high school diploma is your highest education, you should definitely add your high school education to your resume. Once you gain any other form of higher education, you should take your high school off your resume.

Should you include high school on a resume?

Should You Include High School on a Resume? If you are a high school student, college student, fresh graduate with no work experience, or if your high school diploma is your highest education, you should definitely add your high school education to your resume.

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How far back can you put high school activities on resume?

A: The rule of thumb for including high school activities (or college activities once you’ve graduated) is that you can go back four years (including your current year).

Should I remove my high school diploma from my resume?

One of my first edits with most resumes is removing “high school diploma” from the education section. (Note that I said most, not all.) Basically, if you have a college or university education, the high school bit is expected. Why use valuable resume space?

How do you list achievements on a high school resume?

You can also list one or two major achievements, such as being a team captain or being the president or founder of a club. If and when you have a college education, list it above your high school details. How can you be sure your resume looks good?