
How do you print the elements of the A matrix in a spiral?

How do you print the elements of the A matrix in a spiral?

Program to Print Matrix in spiral form

  1. #include
  2. #include
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5. int n,m;
  6. printf(“\nInput the number of rows : “);
  7. scanf(“\%d”,&m);
  8. printf(“\nInput the number of columns : “);

How do you make a spiral matrix?

Form a Spiral Matrix from the given Array

  1. Traverse the given array and pick each element one by one.
  2. Fill each of this element in the spiral matrix order.
  3. Spiral matrix order is maintained with the help of 4 loops – left, right, top, and bottom.
  4. Each loop prints its corresponding row/column in the spiral matrix.

How do you print on a spiral?

Given a 2D array, print it in spiral form….Algorithm:

  1. Create and initialize variables k – starting row index, m – ending row index, l – starting column index, n – ending column index.
  2. Run a loop until all the squares of loops are printed.
  3. In each outer loop traversal print the elements of a square in a clockwise manner.
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How do you create a spiral matrix in python?

  1. set (row1, col1) := (0, 0) and (row2, col2) := (n, n), and create one matrix called res, then fill it with 0s, and set num := 1.
  2. while num <= n2, for i in range col1 to col2, res[row1, i] = num, incase num by 1. if num > n2, then break. for i in range row1 + 1 to row2, res[i, col2-1] = num, incase num by 1.
  3. return res.

How do you print a matrix in CPP?

The program output is shown below.

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main ()
  4. {
  5. int m, n, i, j, A[10][10];
  6. cout << “Enter the number of rows and columns of the matrix : “;
  7. cin >> m >> n;
  8. cout << “Enter the array elements : “;

How do you print a matrix in python?

Use the for Loop to Print the Matrix in Python We use the map function, which converts the whole row to a string, and then we apply the join function to this whole row which converts it all to a single string and separate elements by the separator specified.

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What is spiral matrix?

The Spiral Matrix problem takes a 2-Dimensional array of N-rows and M-columns as an input, and prints the elements of this matrix in spiral order. The spiral begins at the top left corner of the input matrix, and prints the elements it encounters, while looping towards the center of this matrix, in a clockwise manner.

What is spiral in Java?

A spiral pattern is a number pattern that can be represented in matrix form. It is made up of a 2D array (m*n). In order to print a matrix in spiral pattern (clockwise) form, we need to follow the following traversal order: Left to right (first row)

How do you print a matrix element in Python?