
How do you pull up old plywood subfloor?

How do you pull up old plywood subfloor?

Peel back or remove any carpet or floor coverings. If there is floor underlay such as a thin layer of particleboard on top of the subfloor, you will need to pry that up and remove it. Pound the tip of a flat prybar under the particleboard underlay with a hammer and pry it up. If it breaks into pieces, that’s fine.

How much does it cost to remove plywood subfloor?

Cost to Replace Plywood Subfloor vs. A contractor will charge anywhere from $25 to $30 per hour to remove existing finished flooring and subflooring, and the same hourly rate to install new subflooring of either type.

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How do you remove OSB subfloor?

If removing a piece of the OSB subflooring is the only option, use a circular saw to make a cut down the long edge of the T&G between the sheets of subflooring. Make the cut 1/8 inch less than the thickness of the OSB subflooring to prevent cutting the attic floor joist or truss bottom cord.

How do you remove a glued down subfloor?

You can remove glued-down wood flooring from the subfloor or concrete by cutting the boards into more manageable pieces and pulling each free with a pry bar, chisel, hammer, or scrapers. Afterward, you have the option to either re-use the wood or dispose of the material.

How do you remove Masonite underlayment?

The removal of the Masonite itself is not complicated, but the staples are tricky.

  1. Insert the tip of a pry bar underneath any crack or seam in the Masonite.
  2. Pry the Masonite up using the pry bar.
  3. Drive the pry bar under the next piece and repeat pulling it up.
  4. Pull all individual sheets of Masonite off the same way.
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How much does it cost to replace a rotted subfloor?

Cost to Repair Subfloor*

1 2
Subfloor repair, entire room $300 – $400
Subfloor replacement, small area $400 – $500
Subfloor replacement, entire room $570 – $720
*Prices based on a 500-square-foot room for entire room, 100-square-feet for small area

Can you replace subfloor yourself?

If your subfloor is in need of replacement, the damaged portion will need to be completely cut out. This also requires the removal of all floor covering over the problem area as well as the accompanying underlayment materials. The process for this portion of the job will vary based on the type of flooring you have.

How do you lift a plywood floor?

One method is to use a small hole saw and drill around the nails, just the thickness of the floor. Then (after getting the sheet of plywood up) you end up with a bunch of small plywood plugs you can break off the screws/nails fairly easily, and enough nail/screw to get a grip on for removal.

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How do you remove particle board from subfloor?

Remove Damaged Subfloor: Use a flat pry bar to remove the damaged particle board. Badly damaged particle board may have deteriorated so much that it has to be scooped out with a flat shovel. Remove Nails: Pull out any remaining nails in the area where the particle board has been removed.