
How do you use ferric chloride for etching PCB?

How do you use ferric chloride for etching PCB?

Open the bottle of ferric chloride and put the sponge over the opening, and tip the bottle to let about a tablespoon or so of solution saturate into the sponge. Now with the circuit board in the palm of one hand, simply wipe the solution-saturated sponge over the surface of the board over and over.

How do you prepare ferric chloride solution for etching?

To the iron add 100mL of water and 100mL of 12M hydrochloric acid. The iron will start reacting with the acid to produce hydrogen gas and ferrous chloride. If the reaction is proceeding too slowly for your liking you can heat up the mixture. A flask of cold water on top is useful to reduce evaporative losses.

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How many times can you use ferric chloride?

Ferric chloride can be used more than once.

How do you use ferric chloride powder?

Product description Ferric Chloride Anhydrous is commonly used as an etchant. To make a powerful etching solution for Printed Circuit Boards, add 4 ounces of Ferric Chloride to 1 liter of distilled water. Etching speed will depend on concentration, temperature, and agitation.

Should I dilute ferric chloride for etching?

The trick to etching with ferric concerning the “mix”…..the more diluted with distilled water, the longer it takes to etch, but the “cleaner the etch comes out. 3 or 4:1 dilution is generally considered the best ratio for a good etch, without taking too long.

How do you etch a PCB at home?

Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of ferric chloride power in the water. Dip the PCB into the etching solution (Ferric chloride solution, FeCl3) for approximately 30 mins. The FeCl3 reacts with the unmasked copper and removes the unwanted copper from the PCB. This process is called Etching.

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Do I dilute ferric chloride?

Do NOT dilute ferric chloride with water. You need enough ferric chloride to completely cover your board.

How is etching done?


  1. Etching is an intaglio printmaking process in which lines or areas are incised using acid into a metal plate in order to hold the ink.
  2. Using a blunt stylus called an etching needle, the printmaker gently scratches away parts of the ground following the design, thereby exposing the metal beneath.

How long does it take to etch copper with ferric chloride?

Leave the copper blank in the solution for at least half an hour. At 5-10 minute intervals, gently stir the copper etching solution to agitate the solution. Remember to wear safety goggles and gloves at all times. Once the half hour is up, check the etching to make sure you’re happy with the result.

How do you mix ferric chloride for etching copper?

The trick to etching with ferric concerning the “mix”…..the more diluted with distilled water, the longer it takes to etch, but the “cleaner the etch comes out. 3 or 4:1 dilution is generally considered the best ratio for a good etch, without taking too long. Personally, I keep both 3:1 and 6:1 in the shop…..

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What do you mix ferric chloride etching with?

How do you make a etching solution?

Mix two-parts of diluted hydrogen peroxide with one-part muriatic acid. There you are, done! The hydrogen peroxide acts as an oxidizer allowing the acid to eat away the copper. Place your board to be etched in your new solution and watch it go!