
How do you use pen down in a sentence?

How do you use pen down in a sentence?

Sentence examples for pen down from inspiring English sources. “We opted to put our pen down on that one”. When she put her pen down, there was not a copy left to sign. He’d put his pen down, stand up, and we’d have a chat”.

Is pen down correct?

What does ‘pen down’ mean exactly? Pen your thoughts and pen down your thoughts, both have a similar meaning. They mean to write your thoughts somewhere. so, both are correct.

What does it mean to pen down?

1- It is a labor action in which employees come to work but do not do any work. The term connotes that this takes place in an office setting as opposed to an industrial setting. A pen-down strike is analogous to a slow down. 2- It can also indicates to write down something.

What is the meaning of I pen down saying that?

“pen down” generally means writing your thoughts on a piece of paper but in this case, “pen down” becomes the words used to make a conclusion. It was used to end a remark of some sort. See a translation.

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Is pen down a phrase?

To continue to write beyond that point can have serious consequences. Pen down also can be used interchangeably with the phrases write down or jot down. I have seen it used in this way in the eastern and some southern states, and often in Canada and the UK.

What pen down means?

In India, pen-down is mentioned in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 which defines it as a “labour action”. Since it is a symbolic or a nonviolence protest, it achieves goals without being involved in a direct action and demonstration.

Should we use their with everyone?

When we want to refer back to everyone or everybody and we don’t know if everyone is male or female, we use him or her and his or her. In informal styles, we use plural pronouns they, their and them: Everybody has a team leader in charge of him or her. Not everyone has his or her own desk.

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What is the meaning of pen down?