
How do you use teach in a sentence?

How do you use teach in a sentence?

Teach sentence example

  1. You teach them to respect people.
  2. Now you can teach me.
  3. Are you going to teach him to use it?
  4. We’ll teach you to do it the right way.
  5. Are you going to teach me to fight?
  6. Or you can teach me a few things.
  7. How did he teach you to use your body?

What is the correct verb for Teach?

verb (used with object), taught, teach·ing. to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in: She teaches mathematics. to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to: He teaches a large class. verb (used without object), taught, teach·ing.

What are other ways to say teach?

Synonyms of teach

  • educate,
  • indoctrinate,
  • instruct,
  • lesson,
  • school,
  • train,
  • tutor.
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How can I learn to teach?

Here are four possible avenues to learn how to teach.

  1. Contact an Office of Education. An Office of Education is a great place to begin.
  2. Talk teaching with your colleagues.
  3. Observe your colleagues teach.
  4. Connect with schoolteachers and schoolchildren.

How do you teach meaning?

to instruct or train someone or give someone knowledge of something: [ I ] I taught for a few years before becoming a lawyer. [ T ] He taught his children English/taught English to his children. To teach school is to have a job instructing children in a school.

How do you teach word form?

5 Hints to Teach Correct Word Form and Word Choice

  1. Call Attention to Errors.
  2. Teach Such Rules That Do Exist.
  3. Teach Use of the Dictionary and Thesaurus—Both Online and Paper.
  4. Read as Much as Possible.
  5. Write as Much as Possible.

What’s a word for easy to teach?

What is another word for easy to learn?

effortless simple
straightforward uncomplicated
elementary facile
basic piece of cake
cinch clear-cut
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What is it called when you teach?

educate. verb. to teach someone, usually for several years, especially at a school, college, or university.