
How do you use the word patient?

How do you use the word patient?

Patient sentence example

  1. You need to be patient and give him a little space.
  2. They’d been patient , setting up their ultimate victory over the course of tens of thousands of years.
  3. He’d have to be patient with her.
  4. When she is older I will teach her many things if she is patient and obedient.

What are the two meanings of patient?

1 : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. 2 : manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain. 3 : not hasty or impetuous. 4 : steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity.

What is the difference between patient’s and patients?

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PATIENTS is plural, meaning a number of people. PATIENT’S is possessive, meaning belonging to one person. It can also signify a contraction as in: THE PATIENT’S DEAD!

What is difference between patience and patient?

The words “patience” and “patients” are homophones: They sound the same but have very different meanings. The noun “patience” refers to the ability to wait or endure hardship for a long time without becoming upset. The noun “patients” is the plural form of “patient”—someone who receives medical care.

What is the difference between waiting and patience?

One definition of the word patience is an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. A definition of the word waiting is to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until somethingexpected happens. For many people there is a presence of both in their life.

Why patients are called patients?

Etymology. The word patient originally meant ‘one who suffers’. Patient comes from the Latin “patiens,” from “patior,” to suffer or bear. The patient, in this language, is truly passive—bearing whatever suffering is necessary and tolerating patiently the interventions of the outside expert.

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How do you spell patient as in patience?

The noun “patience” refers to the ability to wait or endure hardship for a long time without becoming upset. The noun “patients” is the plural form of “patient”—someone who receives medical care.

What is the difference between patience and perseverance?

Patience and Perseverance are two qualities that are very much linked together although there is a difference between the two words. Patience suggests tolerance or endurance of difficult situations. On the other hand, perseverance suggests determination where an individual strives to achieve his target.

What is the difference between patients and patients?

It is a plural form of the noun ‘patient’. The plural form of a noun is used to describe that there are more than one number of a noun present. It doesn’t matter whether a singular noun has s or not at the end. Considering the above question, the noun patient converted into patient’s by adding the same.

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Are patients and patience pronounced the same?

Both are pronounced phonetically as /ˈpāSHənt/. “Patience” and “patients” can at least be identified by their separate spellings. That means they’re easy to distinguish when written down but sound the same when spoken aloud. The phonetic pronunciation for both is /ˈpāSHəns/.