
How do you work hard and play harder?

How do you work hard and play harder?

Tips to Work Hard and Play Hard:

  1. Easy access to an internet connection:
  2. Avoid distractions of any kind:
  3. Make the best use of technology:
  4. Focus on work that you do:
  5. Take care of the place where you work other than the office:
  6. Don’t mix personal and professional lives:
  7. Create a list of things that you want to do:

What does it mean to play hard vs work hard?

By electing to ‘Work Hard, Play Hard you are putting yourself through relatively unnecessary hardships. This approach to life encourages that you embrace long working hours combined with a busy social and leisure schedule.

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Whats another way of saying work hard play hard?

What is another word for work hard?

toil grind
beaver beaver away
get down to it moil
travail get your head down
put in effort exert oneself

Is work hard play hard a good thing?

A Call for Rest If you do, in fact, have a “work hard, play hard” culture at your company, it means you’re—well—working hard. And that can certainly be a good thing. But, as we all know, operating at a pace that’s harried for long periods of time usually means you won’t be able to sustain that pace forever.

Where did the phrase work hard play hard come from?

While its actual origin is uncertain, the phrase can be traced to at least 1884, when it was written in an advertisement for Racine College — a 19th Century Episcopal preparatory school in Racine, Wisconsin. It’s attributed to its first Warden, James DeKoven, who famously said, “Work hard, play hard, pray hard.”

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What is the meaning of work hard?

Definition of hardworking : constantly, regularly, or habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work : industrious, diligent a hardworking young woman “Our students have to be very hardworking and committed.

How do you say we will work hard?

Sample conversation: A: I can’t believe you already finished this project and you have done much more than we asked you to do. You have really gone the extra mile. B: Oh not a problem. I like to make sure that all of my work is high quality so I was happy to work hard on it.

Do you believe in work hard play hard?

“People who work hard really do play hard,” says Aarssen. His results show that almost 40\% of the data is explained by the link between accomplishment and leisure. Both were also correlated with mortality salience, which suggests that understanding death influences whether you’re motivated to succeed in life.

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What is meant by the phrase Work Hard Be Nice?

No phrase more succinctly captures the idea behind positive education than the famous motto of the KIPP Foundation, “Work hard, be nice.” Its power comes from expressing something that every teacher and parent wants for young people: academic excellence achieved through outstanding teaching and dogged determination as …