
How does amplification take place in TWT?

How does amplification take place in TWT?

The TWT belongs to a category of “linear beam” tubes, such as the klystron, in which the radio wave is amplified by absorbing power from a beam of electrons as it passes down the tube. Helix TWT – in which the radio waves interact with the electron beam while traveling down a wire helix which surrounds the beam.

What does a TWT do?

A traveling-wave tube (TWT) is a specialized vacuum tube used in wireless communications, especially in satellite systems. The TWT can amplify or generate microwave signals. Two common types of TWT include the Klystron and the magnetron .

What is TWT and working?

The Traveling-wave tube can be used as a medium or high power microwave, amplifier. The TWT, because of its construction and working principle has enormous bandwidths and low noise. The heated cathode at one end of the tube produces a beam of electrons and is attracted to the collector at the other end of the tube.

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How does helix TWT work?

Helix acts as a slow wave structure. Applied RF field propagated in helix, produces an electric field at the center of the helix. In TWT, the electron gun focuses the electron beam, in the gap between the anode plates, to the helix, which is then collected at the collector.

What is the main advantage of the TWT amplifier compared to the klystron amplifier?

TWT has wider bandwidth of operation. Klystron has smaller bandwidth of operation. TWT operates on lower efficiency. Klystron has comparatively high efficiency.

Why does the TWT need such a structure?

Ans. Slow wave structures are special circuits that are used in microwave tubes to reduce wave velocity in a certain direction so that the electron beam and the signal wave can interact.

Why is an attenuator used in a TWT?

The role of the RF attenuator placed in the center portion of the slow-wave circuit is to prevent feedback oscillation in the TWT. After passing over the slow-wave circuit, the electron beam reaches the collector, and the electron energy is converted to heat and dissipated.

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Why does TWT need slow wave structure?

Slow wave structures are special circuits that are used in microwave tubes to reduce wave velocity in a certain direction so that the electron beam and the signal wave can interact.

Why the TWT is sometimes preferred to the multicavity klystron amplifier?

Has a greater bandwidth. Has a higher number of modes. Produces a higher output power.

Which microwave tube has a repeller *?

Reflex klystron devices are targetted for low power and are small in sizes. Power ranges from 100mwatt to several watts. Output of reflex klystron can easily be Freq-Modulated with the addition of AC modulating signal in the series with repeller voltage. Gunn diodes have replaced this type of klystrons.

Can generate hundreds and even thousands of watts of microwave power?

Traveling Wave Tube-TWT This microwave tube is used as microwave RF power amplifier. The main benefits of Traveling Wave Tube(TWT) is wide bandwidth of operation and can generate hundreds and even thousands of watts. Length of this tube is about 1 ft to few feet, many wavelengths to the operating frequency.