
How does gravity depend on mass?

How does gravity depend on mass?

The force of gravity depends directly upon the masses of the two objects, and inversely on the square of the distance between them. This means that the force of gravity increases with mass, but decreases with increasing distance between objects.

Is gravitational constant independent of mass?

Force due to gravity is dependent on the mass of the two objects x the universal gravity constant divided by the distance between the objects squared. g= GM/r^2 , so the acc due to gravity on any object of mass , m ,in the vicinity of an object of mass M is independent of its mass m .

How acceleration due to gravity is independent of mass?

“What are the factors that affect the acceleration due to gravity?” Mass does not affect the acceleration due to gravity in any measurable way. The two quantities are independent of one another. Light objects accelerate more slowly than heavy objects only when forces other than gravity are also at work.

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Is weight dependent on gravity?

That is, the weight of an object is determined by the pull of gravity on it. Thus, an object’s physical weight may change from place to place: if a body weighs 54 kg on Earth, its weight will be just over 9 kg on the Moon, since the Earth’s gravitational force is six times stronger than the Moon’s.

Which country has the highest gravity?

Hirt’s model pinpoints unexpected locations with more extreme differences. Mount Nevado Huascarán in Peru has the lowest gravitational acceleration, at 9.7639 m/s2, while the highest is at the surface of the Arctic Ocean, at 9.8337 m/s2.

How is the gravitational constant calculated?

Cavendish experiment …of the value of the gravitational constant, G. In Newton’s law of universal gravitation, the attractive force between two objects (F) is equal to G times the product of their masses (m1m2) divided by the square of the distance between them (r2); that is, F = Gm1m2/r2.

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Which of the following concept is independent of acceleration due to gravity?

The acceleration of an object due to gravity is independent of the mass of the object. It does not matter what the mass of the object is.

Who proved acceleration due to gravity?

In studying how objects fall toward Earth, Galileo discovered that the motion is one of constant acceleration. He demonstrated that the distance a falling body travels from rest in this way varies as the square of the time.

Why value of g is independent of mass?

The acceleration of gravity of an object is a measurable quantity. The value of g is independent of the mass of the object and only dependent upon location – the planet the object is on and the distance from the center of that planet.