
How does it feel like to lose your pet?

How does it feel like to lose your pet?

Some people find grief following the loss of a pet comes in stages, where they experience different feelings such as denial, anger, guilt, depression, and eventually acceptance and resolution. Others find that their grief is more cyclical, coming in waves, or a series of highs and lows.

How do you deal with the loss of a pet?

Grieving the loss of a pet

  1. Explain your pet’s loss to young children in a way they’ll understand.
  2. Allow you and your family to grieve.
  3. Make room for expressing your emotions.
  4. Create a service or other ceremony to honor your pet.
  5. Maintain your other pets’ schedules.
  6. Reach out for support.
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Why does it hurt so bad losing a pet?

Psychologist Julie Axelrod has pointed out that the loss of a dog is so painful because owners aren’t just losing the pet. It could mean the loss of a source of unconditional love, a primary companion who provides security and comfort, and maybe even a protégé that’s been mentored like a child.

What do you say for loss of pet?

Pet Loss: What to Say To a Grieving Friend or Loved One Words like “I am so sorry for your loss” or simply “I’m so sorry,” are a good place to start. Asking them to tell you about the pet so that they know you are a willing listener can also be a good way to start the conversation.

How long does it take to get over the loss of a pet?

The time it takes to move through a grief experience varies immensely from person to person. For one individual, it may take four months to start feeling “normal” again and consider adopting another furry friend. For another, it may take six months, nine, or a year.

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How do you say sorry for your loss of a dog?

Ideas for Pet Condolence Card Messages

  1. Thinking about you and [pet’s name].
  2. We can never keep them long enough!
  3. Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss.
  5. [Pet’s name] was such a great [dog/cat/etc.].
  6. Losing such an important part of the family is never easy.

How do you comfort someone whose pet is missing?


  1. Provide the opportunity to talk about feelings and concerns before, during and after a loss.
  2. Share and reminisce about fond memories of the pet.
  3. Use the pet’s name…even after death.
  4. Provide a hug, a squeeze of the hand, or touch on the shoulder-whatever you feel comfortable doing.