
How driver and sequencer are connected?

How driver and sequencer are connected?

How does a sequencer communicate with the driver? The driver class contains a TLM port called uvm_seq_item_pull_port which is connected to a uvm_seq_item_pull_export in the sequencer in the connect phase of a UVM agent. The driver can use TLM functions to get the next item from the sequencer when required.

What is the use of analysis port in UVM?

WWW.TESTBENCH.IN – UVM Tutorial. The analysis port is used to perform non-blocking broadcasts of transactions. It is by components like monitors/drivers to publish transactions to its subscribers, which are typically scoreboards and response/coverage collectors. For each port, more than one component can be connected.

What are analysis ports?

The idea behind having an analysis port is that a component like monitor should be able to generate a stream of transactions regardless of whether there is a target actually connected to it. When the component (my_monitor) calls analysis_port.

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What is the order of steps involved in the communication between sequence and driver?

The handshake between the sequence, sequencer and driver to send the sequence_item is given below. Communication between the Sequence and driver involves below steps, 1….Starting The Sequence:

Method Call Description
get_response(rsp) receives the response from driver.

What is an analysis port and analysis FIFO and where are they used?

The ‘port’ is a TLM construct providing a publisher/subscriber mechanism. One publisher – many subscribers and the port is in the publisher. The ‘analysis fifo’ is also a TLM construct having exports and has the ability to store data with the behavior first-in, first-out (FIFO).

What is analysis FIFO?

TLM Analysis FIFO. An analysis_fifo is a uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) with an unbounded size and a write Method. It can be used any place a uvm_analysis_imp is used. Typical usage is as a buffer between a uvm_analysis_port in an initiator component and TLM1 target component.

What is TLM port and analysis port?

Interface Overview

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TLM Interfaces, Ports, and Exports
The OVM TLM library defines several abstract, transaction-level interfaces and the ports and exports that facilitate their use.
Analysis The analysis interface is used to perform non-blocking broadcasts of transactions to connected components.