
How expensive is a code signing certificate?

How expensive is a code signing certificate?

Detailed SSL Certificate Comparison

Certificate Info
Price For 1 Year $499.00 $299.00
Issuance Speed Within 1 day after all documentation is received 1 day
Supports Windows Authenticode Signing
Supports Apple OS X Signing

What is the best code signing certificate?

Top 4 Code Signing SSL Certificates

  • Sectigo Code Signing SSL. Sectigo is renowned for its wide range of affordable SSL products, and Sectigo Code Signing SSL is no exception.
  • GoGetSSL Code Signing SSL.
  • DigiCert Code Signing SSL.
  • DigiCert Code Signing SSL with EV.

How do I download a signer certificate?

Export Code Signing Certificate from Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Open Tools. Navigate to Tools, then click Internet Options.
  3. Select the Content tab.
  4. Click the Personal tab.
  5. Export.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select Yes, export the private key.
  8. Click Personal Information Exchange.
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How do I create a certificate for code signing?

Generating a CSR for signing Windows Code:

  1. Open certmgr.msc.
  2. Right click the “Personal” node.
  3. Navigate to All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request.
  4. Select “Proceed without enrollment policy” and click Next.
  5. Make sure the Request Format is PKCS #10 and select Next.
  6. Expand Details and select Properties.

How do I download a self signed certificate from the browser?

Downloading and importing a self-signed certificate

  1. Click in the Certificate error area.
  2. Click View certificate.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Verify the certificate.
  5. Select Copy to File…
  6. Use the Certificate Export Wizard to save the certificate as Base-64 encoded X. 509 file.

How do I download a security certificate from a website?

Google Chrome

  1. Click the Secure button (a padlock) in an address bar.
  2. Click the Show certificate button.
  3. Go to the Details tab.
  4. Click the Export button.
  5. Specify the name of the file you want to save the SSL certificate to, keep the “Base64-encoded ASCII, single certificate” format and click the Save button.