
How far should strings sit in a nut?

How far should strings sit in a nut?

High strings at the nut can cause sharp intonation and make playing in first position difficult, while low or worn slots can result in open-string fret buzz. Generally, the bottoms of the nut slots should be a few thousandths of an inch higher than the tops of the frets when the neck is straight.

How far should strings be from fretboard?

The distance between the strings and the neck at the 12th fret should be about 1.6 millimetres (0.063 in), or the width of a dime. Hold the flat end of a ruler against the neck and measure how high the strings are. If the strings are further than 1.6 millimetres (0.063 in), (high action) you need to lower the bridge.

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What is a good string height for an acoustic guitar?

A typical action on an acoustic guitar is at around 5/64″ (2.0mm) on the high E string and 7/64″ (2.8mm) on the low E string. The slight increase in action height gives an acoustic guitar’s strings more room to vibrate. This gives you a clearer tone and allows you to strum chords without ending up in a buzzing mess.

How high should your strings be off the fretboard?

Measuring at the 12th fret (as in the photo), the action height should be 2.6 mm for Steel String Acoustic guitar, 1.8 for electric, 2.0mm for bass and 3mm for a Classical.

How deep should nut slots be?

The slots should be only deep enough so 1/3 of the string is above the top of the nut and 2/3 in the nut.

How do you shim a guitar nut?

Place some sandpaper (220 grit should be fine) on a flat surface and rub the nut on that — don’t rub the sandpaper against the nut. This helps ensure a flat bottom. Put the shim on a flat surface. Apply a film of superglue over the bottom of the nut and press it down firmly unto the shim.

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Does string spacing matter?

String spacing affects playability, with tighter (closer) string spacing requiring more accuracy and wider string spacing allowing more room between each pair of strings.

How far should the strings be from the fretboard?