
How is Ender described?

How is Ender described?

Ender is the youngest of the three Wiggin children. Ender has the compassion of Valentine, his older sister, but he also has the ruthlessness of Peter, his older brother. His compassion is his strongest trait, and it binds people to him; his ruthlessness wins their unswerving faith in him as a commander.

What color hair does Ender have?

On a lighter note, while Orson Scott Card never gives Ender much of a physical description, the 2008 graphic novel adaptation of the story shows Ender with sandy blond hair cut short, but not in a military buzz the way it was in the films.

Why is Wiggins called Ender?

He was their third child, his older siblings being Peter and Valentine. During his youth, Valentine gave him the nickname “Ender” because she could not yet pronounce “Andrew”. His birth illustrated Peter’s failure to fulfill a destiny in Battle School, and as a result Peter abused him mercilessly.

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What personality type is Ender Wiggin?

Funky MBTI in Fiction — Ender’s Game: Ender Wiggin [INTJ]

How does Colonel Graff describe Ender to Anderson?

Graff says Ender is a good kid, and that it is terrible what they will do to him. Anderson points out that they are going to make him the best commander in military history.

Is Ender Wiggins asexual?

Ender strikes me as a sex-apathetic asexual with romantic tendencies towards the female gender, albeit in multiple species.

What are Andrew Wiggins characteristics?

The protagonist of Ender’s Game, Ender Wiggin is a brilliant, compassionate child who’s summoned to study war at Battle School and defeat the alien Buggers. Ender has always felt like an outsider because he’s a Third—a third child—in a society that almost never tolerates families with more than two children.

Why must Enders parents let him go?

They were a threat to the human race and could only be stopped by Mazer Rackhem. Why must Ender’s parents let him go? Ender’s parents are ambiguous because he is still their son and they still love him. Describe Valentine.

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Has his arm broken by Ender during the launch?

He times the boy’s movements and grabs his arm hard the next time he attempts to strike. Because of the lack of gravity, Ender’s force propels the boy out of his seat and he flies along until he hits the wall, breaking his arm. Ender feels ill and thinks he is just like Peter.