
How is graph paper used to measure area?

How is graph paper used to measure area?

Answer: Put your palm flat on the graph paper with no space in between. Now draw outline of the palm with the help of pencil. Measure total no of squares covered in this area.

How do you find area on a graph sheet?

Draw a circle with a one inch radius on graph paper. Count the number of whole graph squares inside the circle. Multiply that number by the size of each square. Count the number of partial squares and multiply the number of partial squares times the size of each square and divide that number by 2.

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How is area measured?

Area is the term used to define the amount of space taken up by a 2D shape or surface. We measure area in square units : cm² or m². Area is calculated by multiplying the length of a shape by its width.

Why is graph paper used to measure area of an irregular object?

Graph paper is used for measuring the area of an irregular object so that with the help of graph paper and the tiny boxes drawn on it, we can know the exact area of the object.

How do you find the area of a piece of paper?

To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its height by its width. For a square you only need to find the length of one of the sides (as each side is the same length) and then multiply this by itself to find the area. This is the same as saying length2 or length squared.

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How do you find the area of an object?

Find the area of a square or rectangle by multiplying the length times the width. This formula looks like l*w. If the length is 5 and the width is 2, the area is 10 square units. Calculate the area of a four-sided shape that is not a rectangle by multiplying the base (one of the sides) by the height.

How do you measure a plot of land?

One sq m is equal to 10.76 sq ft, and one acre is equal to 4,047 sq m. While residential plots are generally measured in sq ft, agricultural land is measured in acres. Hectare, on the other hand, is used for land sale, planning, and agriculture. One hectare is equal to 10,000 sq m.

How will you measure the area of an irregular surface using a graph paper explain with the help of an activity?


  1. Take a gragh.
  2. Place the irregular shape on the graph.
  3. then draw the out line of the shape on the graph.
  4. Ensure that one box is equal to 1 unit..
  5. then numeber all boxex…..
  6. count the boxex inside the shape.
  7. then count half, above half, below half…
  8. And add all of it…….then u can get the exact area of the shape.
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How do you find the area of irregular lamina using graph paper?

Place the lamina over a graph paper. Draw its boundary line on the graph paper with a pencil. Remove the lamina and count, note the number of complete squares as well as the number of squares more than half within the boundary line. (note : only the square less than half, are left while counting).