
How is my granddaughter related to my aunt?

How is my granddaughter related to my aunt?

You can say he is “a cousin”. That is correct (it means a relative other than an ancestor, descendant, or brother/sister/aunt/uncle), and usually enough detail.

What is my aunts kid to my kid?

Your aunt or uncle’s child is your “cousin” regardless of gender.

What would my aunts grandchild be to me?

Your aunts child is your first cousin. Her grandchild is your first cousin ONCE REMOVED.

Is there such a thing as a grand-aunt?

Technically, the sister of one of your grandparents is your grand-aunt.

What do you call your aunt’s daughter?

The daughter of your aunt is your first cousin.

What is my grandmother’s sister to me?

Your grandmother’s sister (or sister-in-law) is most correctly called your grandaunt. However great aunt is the more commonly, although inaccurately, used term. Likewise your grandmother’s brother is your granduncle, or commonly great uncle.

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What would my granddaughter be to my niece?

Your nephew is first cousins with your kids, so he is also first cousins with your grandchild. Your nephew and grandchild are first cousins once removed. Your nephew’s kids and your grandchild will be second cousins.

What is my grandmother’s cousin to me?

Your grandmother’s cousin is your mother’s/ father’s “1st cousin once removed and as you are one generation below them you are your grandmother’s cousin’s 1st cousin twice removed. If your 1st cousin twice removed has children those children will be your Second cousins once removed.

What would my grandmother’s aunt be to me?

Your grandmother’s sister (or sister-in-law) is most correctly called your grandaunt. Likewise your grandmother’s brother is your granduncle, or commonly great uncle. Your grandaunt is your mother or father’s aunt, just as your grandparent is your mother or father’s parent.

What do you call your sister’s grandchild?

This makes you the aunt or uncle of that nephew. When brothers or sisters have male children, you become an aunt or an uncle to a nephew. If your nephew has a sister, she is your niece. Both niece and nephew originally meant “grandchild,” but narrowed to their current meanings in the 1600s.

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What relation is my uncle’s child to me?

Your Uncle’s Son is your First Cousin or your Uncle’s Daughter is your First Cousin or your Uncle’s Son or Daughter with you have/share the Same Grandparents in The common and you are The First Cousins.