
How is smart material made?

How is smart material made?

Smart materials consist of materials which respond to changes in their environment, thus rendering them stimuli-responsive. This work focuses on use of environmentally responsive hydrogels, essentially polymer networks which are capable of retaining large amounts of water without altering their structure.

Are Smart Materials man made?

Smart materials are ‘reactive materials’. Their properties can be changed by exposure to stimuli, such as electric and magnetic fields, stress, moisture and temperature. Modern materials are developed through the invention of new or improved processes, for example as a result of manmade materials/ingredients.

What products are made from smart materials?

Examples include colour-changing novelty mugs, colour-changing spoons, battery power indicators and forehead thermometers.

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What is the structure of a smart material?

A smart structure is a system containing multifunctional parts that can perform sensing, control, and actuation; it is a primitive analogue of a biological body. Smart materials are used to construct these smart structures, which can perform both sensing and actuation functions.

How are smart polymers made?

Smart polymers are either reversibly soluble-insoluble (SIS) in aqueous media or crosslinked in the form of hydrogels. Physical hydrogels are held together with noncovalent forces, whereas chemical hydrogels are obtained by chemical crosslinking; both kinds of gels are structurally inhomogeneous.

What is the origin of smart materials?

HISTORY OF SMART MATERIALS…. In 1932 , the first recorded observation of smart material transformation was made on gold-cadmium. In 1938, the phase transformation was observed in brass (copper zinc). In 1962, the transformation and attendant shape memory effect in Nickel-Titanium at the Naval Ordinance Laboratory.

Is memory foam a smart material?

Developed in the mid sixties, memory foam was made for NASA’s aircraft cushions out of an energy responsive material called viscoelastic. Nowadays the comfortable and intelligent molding characteristics make memory foam ideal for pillows to mattresses and more.

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Are smart materials expensive?

High Cost of Smart Materials Smart materials are highly efficient materials. However, their performance comes at high costs associated with the high level of R&D involved. End-users look for more affordable and low-cost materials with considerable efficiency.

What are 5 smart materials?


  • Piezoelectric materials.
  • Shape memory materials.
  • Chromoactive materials.
  • Magnetorheological materials.
  • Photoactive materials.

How are smart materials Categorised?

Smart materials are classified into two categories either active or passive. On the other part, the materials, which are not active, are called passive smart materials. Although smart, they lack the inherent capability to transduce energy. Fiber optic material is a good example of a passive smart material.