
How long does it take to graduate from RIT?

How long does it take to graduate from RIT?

The university remains committed to and supportive of career-oriented education and programs with required co-op experiences. Any undergraduate degree program must demonstrate that students are able to complete the program of study in no more than four years.

Does Rochester Institute of Technology have a nursing program?

The biomedical sciences degree prepares students for advanced study in various areas of health care (e.g. medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health) or research.

Does RIT offer associate degrees?

An RIT/NTID associate degree puts you on the fast track to a successful career! Employers want graduates with skills that make them job ready, which is what you’ll be with a career-focused associate degree from RIT/NTID. RIT/NTID offers excellent technical training with lots of support.

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Why study Computer Science at RIT?

The CS department produces graduates who are among the most sought after in organizations. Faculty and student research spans all areas that are influenced by computer science. Please visit for latest information about RIT’s response to the ongoing challenges.

What GPA do I need to change programs at RIT?

Students in their first term of their first year at RIT may not apply for a change of program into Computer Science. They must wait until they are in at least their second term to apply. 3. Students in the Computing Exploration program must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA. There is no GPA requirement for individual technical courses.

How do I get a PhD in Computer Science at Rochester?

This program is for students who intend to complete their studies at the University of Rochester with an MS degree. Students with an undergraduate degree who wish to get their PhD in computer science at Rochester should apply directly to the PhD program. For application and financial support information see the applying to Rochester page.

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What is cooperative education at RIT?

A summary project report and public presentation of the student’s project (in poster form) occurs at the end of the semester. Cooperative education, or co-op for short, is full-time, paid work experience in your field of study. And it sets RIT graduates apart from their competitors.